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ian: 😔

matt: what's wrong

ian: i'm bored
ian: and sad

joba: why are you sad

ian: jaden left :(

matt: he'll be back

jaden: i'll be back

joba: wow look at that

ian: i just wish you didn't leave

matt: he can't be here 24/7
matt: we don't have enough room in this house

ian: guess that means i'm leaving
ian: bye guys

jaden: are you actually leaving?

matt: please don't

ian: why not?

matt: we've been friends for forever
matt: you haven't known jaden as long as us

ian: but it's been 2 years

jaden: seriously tho

ian: i'm actually gonna leave sorry guys

matt: nooo

ian: i'm not moving halfway across the country i'll be around

joba: idk why matt doesn't want you to go
joba: i think we should all go

matt: no
matt: it's bad enough that ian is leaving

ian: i'd go out rn but i can't drive and don't feel like paying for an uber

jaden: tomorrow?
jaden: i'll pick you up

ian: okay

matt: :(

joba: why don't you move in with tavia

matt: fine i will
matt: if i can add her to the gc

joba: you have to ask ian

ian: for 20 minutes

matt has added tavia

tavia: hello

ian: hey

joba: hi

dom: would you all shut up
dom: oh hi tavia

ian: you have 20 minutes tav

tavia: okay
tavia: but why am i here

joba: ian is moving out
joba: so we're making matt move too

tavia: okay
tavia: we already talked about this tho

matt: tavia...

dom: oop

joba: matt

ian: gonna kill you

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