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matt: jaden where did you go?

jaden: ian's room
jaden: i needed to lay down

matt: want some gatorade ?

jaden: sure

dom: okay where is he at

bearface: seriously how could none of us have seen him

hk: what's going on

joba: just read the chat

jaden: someone come sit in here with me

bearface: okay coming

jaden: thanks ci
jaden: bring some painkillers i have a headache

bearface: okay i gotchu

joba: ik that you tried texting him
joba: but everyone else just spam text him

matt: okay
matt: not sure it'll work tho

dom: yeah same

nick: maybe he went out to the bar last night

jaden: he wasn't feeling good last night so i doubt it

dom: okay that's another place he won't be
dom: so far we have family, shopping, bar

rob: that's not enough narrowed down

merlin: why wouldn't he have his phone on him tho
merlin: like wouldn't he be getting all these texts

ashlan: maybe he lost his phone

kiko: you'd think he'd come back home if that happened

joba: ugh

jaden: i'm gonna cry again
jaden: i feel like a big baby

matt: no one thinks you're a baby jaden

dom: we're all worried but probably not even close to being as worried as you are

nick: yeah no one thinks you're a baby jaden

jaden: i can't even talk anymore
jaden: i just need a hug

bearface: i'm literally right here

jaden: you never seem like the person to like hugs

bearface: wow how long have you known me ?
bearface: did we meet today
bearface: if you need a hug i'll give you a hug

jaden: okay
jaden: i'm just gonna cry on your shoulder ci

bearface: that's okay

matt: ci
matt: i actually love that

bearface: only jaden can call me it

matt: alr

dom: okay what do we do next

rob: maybe wait for idk half an hour
rob: see if he shows up or texts us ??

joba: okay and during that time we can all collect ourselves
joba: then see what to do from there

jabari: jeez this really sucks

nick: i hope we find him

kevin doan: is someone singing

bearface: 👋🏻

joba: the only person that can sing

matt: victor roberts?

bearface: and if you're hurting, love yourself with my heart

jaden: it actually makes me feel a little better
jaden: and the blue gatorade
jaden: thanks matt

matt: np
matt: ik your favorite
matt: now summer

joba: it's so soothing to hear ciaran sing

dom: especially such short parts in songs or just soft songs

jaden: i'm so scared
jaden: and worried

nick: don't worry
nick: we'll find him

jaden: i hope so

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