Maika x Flower

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Requested by: @AmazinglyProblematic  

Maika's producer told her that she would be visiting Japan to record a song with Flower, a Japanese vocaloid.

"Why can't we just record them here and send the recording to them?" Maika asked.

"It's better to sing together, you'll know when your cue is up and it'll sound much nicer," her producer replied. "Maika, get ready to leave for 3 days. You'll leave tomorrow morning, 6 AM sharp." 

Maika sighed. Not that she would have to leave and meet a new vocaloid,but because she's been singing duets with so many Japanese vocaloids lately, why did they make her leave this time? Or why did they need her anyways? Not like she couldn't do much about it anyways. She left the room to pack up.

~ 5:57 AM ~

Maika was being ushered by her agents to go inside her private jet for the trip. She sat inside, looking outside the window to the runway. 

Today was cold, so she wore a coat, but the jet was warmer, way  warmer than outside, and she immediately felt the need to take it off. The warmth of the jet made her eyes feel droopy and she fell asleep. 

~ 6:08 PM ~

The vocaloid woke up to the feeling of her jet landing on the runway. Has she really slept 12 hours? 

She was taken outside and instantly inside the airport interviewers and reporters surrounded her, asking questions in Japanese, which she barely understood over the chatter and noise.

"Move away, please. Let her get to her destination."

A heavenly voice called out from the back of the small crowd of people. A vocaloid with a purple streak in her hair spoke in English, a language Maika could speak and understand herself. It seemed as the crowd went away, retreating back.

"I'm Flower, your partner for the duet that you're here for," Flower said in a more hushed tone, unlike her voice from just a few moments ago.

"I-I'm Maika," Maika quickly said, blushing at the vocaloid in front of her.

2 producers, Maika's and Flower's quickly talked about the arranged meetings and beckoned for the 2 young vocaloids to follow them as they made their way to Flower's recording studio. The entire time Maika looked at the window reflection, trying to get a glimpse of Flower without letting her notice.

~ Time Skip ~

After going over the lyrics for the 150th time, Flower and Maika stood in the recording studio, ready to sing. After a few warmups the girls sang. 

Flower couldn't help but admire Maika's singing. It was unlike any other vocaloid's she sang with before. At one of Flower's parts she almost forgot to sing.

On break, she easily opened up to Maika, and they became friends pretty quickly. Soon, they spent most of their free time together. 

The producers let them wander Japan after the recording session. They were to redo it and finalize the song because there was "something wrong" with what they already sang.

Day 2, they sang it one more time without any errors, but in the back of Maika's and Flower's minds kept telling them to just stop and listen to the other's voice. Although they ignored it as best as they could, they sang the song twice. 

Day 3, Maika's last day, the producers edited the video and added audio, leaving Flower and Maika free to do whatever they wanted.

Day 4, Maika was leaving to her own country. Flower escorted her to the airport to block her from all the interviewers. 

Gotta tell her now,  Flower kept thinking. After all, she might never see Maika again. Never see another vocaloid as wonderful as her.

As Maika stepped onto the first step that lead towards the plane, Flower called to her. 

Thank God her producer, and Flower's, were inside the airport still.

"I...I um... Wanted to say goodbye," Flower whispered softly, barely audible. 

"Oh. Well, goodbye Flower. It was nice working with you." Maika sadly smiled.

Before she knew it, a soft pair of lips kissed Maika on the cheek.

"Bye, Maika," Flower said before running off, blushing madly. 

Maika blushed and froze in place before her producer came up and shoved her inside the jet before they took off.

The vocaloid took one last glance at Japan before she reached the top of the clouds.

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