Miku x Teto

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Miku x Teto / Requested by @MarianaSalas06.

The Vocaloid and Utauloids were long standing rivals. They fought over fans, money, and worth. Few vocaloids were actually friends with utauloids, sometimes in secret. 

One such pair were Miku and Teto, basically one of the most iconic utauloid and vocaloid. You'd think they'd hate each other a lot, and they act like it too, but they were good friends.

Teto was head over heels for Miku. She had a beautiful voice and was kind to her, though they are technically rivals. But Miku was very positive that this ridiculous fight would end and everyone would forget about it. Teto smiled at the thought of it. But the bread girl was still nervous. If she ever told Miku, and was rejected, Miku could ruin her company easily. Miku had such a big influence over fans and superiors alike. Everyone loved her as an idol, and cherished her songs that brought them comfort and happiness.

Miku was also in love with Teto, though she knew it would raise problems between the companies if anyone found out. Blackmail, expulsion... and hate. Miku didn't want all her hard work and her dream be crushed because she's in love with a rival. But one day, the girl decided she wouldn't care. She loves Teto, and just wanted to be happy with her, that's all.

It was rare when Miku and Teto would actually talk to each other face to face. They'd call, video chat, or text everyday, but never in person. Nobody wanted to start a controversy with their rival. They might be called a traitor and abandoned by their friends.

When Miku and Teto did meet up, they would disguise themselves and give a fake name. They were known by Chartette and Michaela. 

People don't recognize them at all, so they were very happy together. 

Eventually, Miku mustered up enough courage to tell Teto that she was in love with her. It was in person, since it was special.

Miku called Teto one night and asked if she was free tomorrow.

"Yeah, why?" Teto asked, not suspecting anything.

"Let's hang out tomorrow," Miku said, containing her nervousness and feeling her heart heavily beat in her chest. Teto's smile was able to be heard through her voice. "Sure! 12:00 at the cafe downtown?"

"Yeah," Miku replied. "I'm pretty exhausted from today's practice, so I'm going to sleep."

"Okay Miku! Goodnight!"

Teto hung up, and she decided in that moment she was going to tell Miku. Who knows when they can meet up again? After all, Miku was free, and she was rarely free now that her songs were so popular. 

The next day after they ate lunch they headed to a deserted beach area. It was a tranquil place near the cliffs, and there was rarely anybody there. That was why it was a good spot for Miku and Teto to hang out at. Sometimes a picnic, or sometimes just sitting on the sandy shore and talking. 

Miku and Teto were overwhelmed a bit, and nervous. They didn't act like it, but they were. Then, Miku said, "Hey Teto, we've been friends for a long time now."

"Hm? Yeah," Teto replied. 

"And you know... You are a really kind person, despite being a rival for my company. You are silly and sweet, I just... kinda fell in love with you."

Teto blushed profusely. Hearing this from her crush wanted to make her heart burst with joy and affection. "Miku I... I'm in love with you too." 

Now Miku was shocked her feelings were reciprocated. And from a utauloid... This confession would've been some good blackmail if it hadn't succeeded.

"Then... be my girlfriend?" Miku asked.

"I'd love to!" Teto answered.

After that moment, acting like rivals became hard and raised suspicion. Miku and Teto were acting against their will to be rivals. But still, they continued to talk regularly, and have dates once in a while. 

Rin and Len, two other vocaloids were curious to know Miku's strange behavior. Everyday she was smiling so much, positive, and left the studio happy too. Miku wasn't so chipper usually, and normally looked a bit sad when leaving the studio for the day. 

They decided to follow Miku after work, on a Saturday evening. A Saturday where she was going to meet Teto.

They too, disguised themselves and took the names "Allen" and "Lilith". (Although, Rin wanted her alias to be "Riliane", but Len said it sounded too similar to "Rin".)

They followed Miku to her home, like stalkers do (Len insisted). They waited 2 hours, until a red headed girl with braided hair came, and Miku, or what seemed like a totally different person, came and they walked in the direction of downtown. Rin and Len were confused. Surely Miku didn't have a twin, let alone a sister? They followed the two from a distance.

They seemed like they were dating, and Len felt a strange familiar anger towards the second, mysterious girl. Like rivalry, but less intense because he didn't know exactly who it was.

Apparently the tealette was Michaela, and the shorter one was Chartette. Strange names, but who cared? Michaela was similar to Miku, so maybe Miku was taking an alias?

So then was Chartette also another alias? But who else could have such a similar appearance...

"Hey, what if that's Teto, the utauloid?" Rin texted Len to minimize talking. Len reasoned with himself, the hair, the height, and strange aura... Maybe. 

"But Miku wouldn't befriend a uTaUlOiD," Len texted. 

"Then why would they have aliases dumbass"


"To make friends????"


Rin then stopped texting Len, and sent a message to Miku to see if a notification would show. Sure enough, "Michaela" checked her phone. 

"Who is it?" Chartette asked.

"Rin. Len's twin sister? What the? She asked if I know a Michaela."

"Ohhh... Wait, is that who's following us?"

Miku turned around and saw two shady, same heighted twins in black hoodies and masks.

"R-Rin? Len?" Miku looked horrified. 

"Miku. What are you doing?"

"Hanging out with a friend. This is-"

"Kasane Teto. We know Miku."

"No, I'm Chartette."

"Miku, why are you friends with a utauloid?" Rin asked.

"W-well, why can't I?" Miku retorted.

"I mean, we're rivals, Miku! You're being the most successful!" Len said. "Plus, they could steal ideas-"

Rin jabbed him in the ribs. "I mean, Miku is still successful. So I don't really care."

"Wait, really?" Len asked, dumbfounded. Miku and Teto also had looks of shocks on their faces.

"I mean, who gives a crap? You're still successful. Plus I friends with a few myself. Len is just a dumbass," Rin said. 

"Uh Rin... we're not just friends..." Miku said.

"I don't care either way lol. If you're dating, maybe you can fix the stupid rivalry."

"Oh. We haven't thought of that," Teto replied. 

So from that day on, and publicly announced their relationship, getting some hate but mostly love. Their companies seeing this rise in popularity decided it'd be better if they worked together, though some long time vocaloids, like Meiko and Kaito, had some difficulty adjusting. 

But nonetheless, the year long stupid rivalry ended between vocaloids and utauloids.

The End :)

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