Gumi x Reader

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Gumi x Reader / Drunk Party (NOT smut) / Requested by: @AshDrawsVocaloids

"Y/n!" You heard from behind you. You turned around and a carrot colored blur came crashing into you. You didn't fall over but you were startled at the sudden action. "G-Gumi? What are you doing here?"

She smiled. "There's gonna be a party soon at Gakupo's house! Wanna come?" 

You rolled your eyes. "I don't really like parties. You go. After all, it's Gakupo~" 

She looked guiltily to one side. "Okay fine! Please come so I don't have to be scared! I need you thereee!" Gumi begged. Her crush on Gakupo was huge, and you've known she had it for 2  years. But everyone knew he was gay, but she still liked him.

"Nah," You said. She started getting on her knees, and you finally answered, "Fine." 

She jumped up happily and hugged you, and you blushed. Despite knowing her obsession with Gakupo, you still had that small crush on Gumi... and it hurts. A lot. 

"It's gonna be tomorrow at 5! I'm gonna pick you up, okay?" She said. You nodded. "Alright. See ya."

She skipped away happily, and you watched her go in the distance. 


Gumi picked you up from your house at 4:30. At the party, before you even got to the front door, Gumi was shaking really badly and hiding behind you. 

"God, chill. You know he's gay and he won't judge you," You say. "R-right," Gumi replied.

You knocked on the door, and Kaito, opened it. He smiled apolgetically. "Gakupo got a little drunk, sorry about that. Come on in."

You to hear loud music and people chattering away. You recognized at LOT more people than you thought. Luka, Miku, IA... is that Rin?! You spotted Len on the floor, passed out. It was a wild party. 

You met up with Rin and hung out a while, for hours. At 10 PM, Rin had to find (actually trip over) Len to make sure he wasn't doing something... crazy. You quickly found Gumi, since she was right behind you. her face was a bright red, she smelled of beer, and was leaning against the wall. 

"Y/nnnn," she said. Oh great, she's frickin drunk. 

"Gosh I don't wanna carry you home. Come on Gumi!!!" You whined. She only laughed.

"Haha... that's really funny..." she says, and leans really close to you. You could feel her breath against your face. 

"Did I ever tell you?" Gumi says, her voice hoarse. "I don't like Gakupoo," she says, like she's telling a stupid secret. "I like you..."

And then she passed out. 

It took minutes to process what she just said. She likes me? No way! Wait, so she was pretending to like Gakupo to hide her feelings? Wait, what?! 

"Kaito!" You called out. The ice cream man was the only sober guy in this party now. "Yeah what's up?"

"Help me carry Gumi to the car," you ask him, and he nodded. 

You bid Kaito goodbye and rode Gumi home, all while thinking, Shoot, she likes me?!!

You called Gumi's mom to tell her Gumi will stay at your place tonight, and she agreed. You didn't tell her Gumi was drunk, though. 

You silently carried a sleeping, drunk Gumi to your room and put her on the bed. You changed and went to sleep.


Gumi awoke with a painful headache at 12 PM. You already cancelled school for both of you, simply saying that you had a family emergency to the school office, and told Gumi's mom that Gumi wasn't feeling well and to pick her up later. Wasn't easy to persuade, though. 

"Oh my gosh... my head hurts like hell! What happened last night?" Gumi groaned. She looked around and looked at you. "Wait a second, we didn't do that thing in b-"

"No. You were drunk and I drove you home," You said, although you blushed at the thought of it. You handed her a glass of water and some painkillers. "Let me know if you need anything," and you were about to leave when Gumi called for you.

"Y/n... um... about last night... what happened when I was drunk?" She asked. Your mind raced to the time when Gumi said, "I don't like Gaku-" wait, did she say GakuPOO?

"You said something weird. But wasn't that bad," You brushed it off. She looked at you with scared, curious eyes. "What exactly did I say?"

"Uh..." Oh no. She's gonna deny it. Dreams - CRUSHED. "You didn't like Gakupo."

She started looking uneasy. "And?"

"And you liked me?" 

Gumi ran to the bathroom and puked. Talk about perfect timing. She came back, face flushed. 

"I- um- I can explain-"

You raised your eyebrow. She looked to the floor and said, "Well, I like you as friends... and... would like to be more than friends..."

You didn't expect that and blushed extremely hard. "I- uh-."

"I-I should leave. Thanks for taking me here though."

"No. Gumi, Wait," You said, grabbing her wrist. "I do like you, in that way."

"Really?" She asked, her eyes full of hope. "Really."

"Yes!" She said, and hugged you tightly. 

"Now, go shower or something. You stink," You ordered Gumi. She whined and left. 

"Will you kiss me if I do?" She asked from your room.

"Maybe!" You answered. 

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