Meika Mikoto x Reader

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Meika Mikoto x Reader / School Dance / Requested by: lilbabybackribs

(Meika Mikoto is male in this oneshot, due to requester's personal headcanon)

Mikoto was Y/n's friend, but they were pretty distant. Y/n had a crush on Mikoto, but they never planned on telling him. 

The teacher announced prom coming up in school, and there was excited chatter everywhere. Y/n wasn't planning to go, but changed their mind as Mikoto rushed up to them.

"Y/n!" Mikoto called out, panting heavily. "C-can you dance?"

"Sort of," Y/n replied. "Decently." Mikoto got on his knees. "Please teach me how to dance!"

Y/n giggled softly. "Okay then. Are you asking someone out, 'cuz I won't be there if you do," Y/n teased Mikoto, who got up and dusted off his shorts. 

"Yes I am! And you HAVE to be there! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Mikoto begged. Y/n rolled her eyes. "After I teach you to dance, I want to see you ask the lucky person out. Deal?" They offered. Even as Mikoto agreed to the terms, Y/n's heart sank a little. Mikoto wants to ask someone out... 

Yet a flare of hope still rested in their chest. Y/n and Mikoto arranged a meeting for Friday at 4:00 after school. Y/n watched as Hime poked and teased Mikoto on their way home; They were twins, after all. Y/n sighed and went for home, smiling to themselves.


Mikoto walked home with Y/n after school on Friday, and in Y/n's backyard they practiced simple dancing for prom. It was fun falling down every once in a while, but it hurt when Mikoto stepped on poor Y/n's feet.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/n! I hope I didn't break your feet!" Mikoto winced as he stepped on Y/n's feet yet again. Y/n smiled. "It's okay. You've never danced before anyways."

Mikoto blushed with an embarrassed smile and they kept practicing. I'm so close to her... Mikoto thought. His face only grew warmer as they practiced throughout the afternoon.

Hours turned into days, days turned in weeks, and weeks turned into months. Prom was finally only a week away, and Mikoto had just about perfected ballroom dancing. 

"Now that you've perfected dancing for prom," Y/n started with a smug smile, "I want to see you ask your date out."

Mikoto turned a bright red and his heart started pounding fast. "I-I'll ask them tomorrow."

Mikoto bolted out of Y/n's house and before he knew it he was on his bed, face down.

How will I ever tell her?  Mikoto wondered. I'll make another deal!


The next day Mikoto proposed another deal with Y/n.

"You have to come to prom to see my date, I already asked them out," Mikoto said. Y/n groaned. "Fine."

After that, Mikoto got nervous and jittery by the day. Prom finally came, and he was waiting by the entrance when Y/n came in a f/c outfit. Blushing hard, Mikoto led them to the dance floor.

"So... uh Y/n... I only tried to get you to prom and I don't have a date..." Mikoto started, but then quickly added. "But I promised you I would ask my date so you can see it. Y/n, would you be my date to prom?"

Y/n stuttered out, "Y-Yes." Y/n was bursting with happiness, tears could almost fall out of their eyes. 

They danced well throughout the night, and finally the music changed once more to ballroom dancing. Y/n and Mikoto held hands as they danced gracefully. 

"Y/n," Mikoto said in a low voice. "I-I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Y/n asked. Mikoto gulped. Here goes nothing...

"I... I like you, ever since I met you. You're an amazing friend to me and I couldn't live without you."

Y/n almost froze for a second, not believing this was happening to them. "I like you too, Mikoto."

The rest of the night was the best moments of prom to Y/n and Mikoto. It was only the beginning of their lifelong relationship.

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