From Now On

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Hi youse guys ! How's life? Mine sucks, okay gotta tell ya'll somethin....

Me and my best friend went to her home after school and decided to exercise... pfffft like that happened XD So we ended up at the park and walked back to her house and took a swim. So I got really bored and wanted to prank call peeps. So I switched my phone to "Private Number" and guess who I ended up calling.... MY EX !!!

My bff was like "No Nella don't call him, that means you're not over him and blah blah blah...." But I never listen to her so I called him, and he picked up at the first ring and so I just stayed quiet and he was like "Uhm hello? Hello? Okay have a nice day who ever this is" And then he hung up. And it was a long time since I heard his voice and I barely see him at school... Do I miss him? It's been a month since we haven't spoke and yeah... But at the next chappie I'll tell youse guys who I like (no name, sorrys) !

Anyone have a crush? xx


One day when it was cloudy and the weather was heavy (almost going to rain) you walked to the neighborhood park. You felt so alone and almost... Depressed. So you just wanted to be alone and let your brain talk to itself about your life and ask yourself questions like "Why is my life like this?", "When can I be happy again". So yeah, you ended up in the park and making your way to the swings.

There weren't a lot of people so you didn't have to pretend to feel happy and smile back at them or even start a conversation.

You sat on the swing and start swinging and just watch the view you had of the cars driving by and the sun trying to peek out the heavy grey clouds.

You were so in your thoughts that you didn't realize that someone took a seat in the swing next to you. You just awkwardly stared at the park, but almost daydreaming because you didn't blink a sec.

Suddenly a hand pops up in your face and finally you heard someone calling your name. It felt like for those past minutes when you were staring, you couldn't hear anything else, just your thoughts talking to you.

You snapped your head to the direction the hand came from. (haha direction, get it? XD)

Niall? What is he doing here? You thought. "Hi" You whisper.

"Hi" He greeted back soft and caring. "What's wrong Y/N?" He asked.

"Nothing* You gave him a weak smile. He stood up and sat right in front of you, so if you swing forward you will kick him in da face.

"Come on Y/N! We've been friends for three years now, and by now I can tell something by that "nothing" is wrong. So spit it out" He smiled at you.

You looked at him for a few moments. Niall is more like you best friend. He's always there when no one else is. He's like your brother, but you actually loved him more than that.

"I just... I... I just feel so lonely Niall!" You spit out. You couldn't hold your feelings in anymore. "I feel like so useless and stupid, like, why am I here? Life doesn't seem to get better and it's like life is punishing me and making me unhappy! I just..... I'm lonely!" You cried, with you head in your hands.

You felt strong arms picking you up from the swings and suddenly you are held in Niall's strong and loving arms.He held you tight and rubbed you back with his hand.

"Don't you ever say you are useless and stupid! Don't dare those words to ever come out your mouth again, do you hear me?" He whispered in your ear. You nodded but still crying.

"Life will get better, I promise. And if that doesn't make you feel better yet, I have something to say" He said.

You stopped crying really hard and looked at him with confusion. "What?" You asked.

He smiled at you and said, "Y/N, I love you!" He smiled bigger than before.

Wait what? A boy actually said he love you? That was weird for you to hear, especially from Niall. You just looked at him.

"Yeah, I love you and I hate to see you like this. It makes me mad to think that you think you are useless. But actually you are perfect. Perfect just for me. I am sad that you said that you felt lonely and I feel like an arse for not being there for you. I just want you to be happy and I want you to be happy with me." He leaned in and for the first time ever, you kissed a boy (aka first kiss)

The whole zoo inside you just opened their cages and you could feel your tummy turning, your heart felt wanted, your soul felt glowing and you just felt that spark and millions of fireworks going off. Holy cake you loved that feeling!

After smooching for a bit, you were finally done to catch some breath. He pressed his forehead against yours and kissed your nose. You giggled and stared in his eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" Niall ask.

"Of course Nialler" You laughed. He held your hands and you didn't even realize the sun came out and it was a bright beautiful afternoon.

"From now on, it's me and you" Niall said and kissed you once more. "Now I can kiss you whenever and wherever I want" He smiled.

You just laughed and kissed his cheek.

Finally life became better and you were happy again.


Hellos dere again pizza people !

Enjoy life and eat some pizza:))


Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now