Your Diary

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A quick A/N:

Wrote this when I woke up. I had a dream about this and I want to make it an imagine, soooooooo...... ENJOY MY DREAM THAT HAD HAPPEN ! ;)


A diary, a girls only friend when she had secerets. The only book where you can write all your feelings and not bother to hold back anything. You really had a lot to talk about thought.

"Dear Diary:"

You wrote.

"Today has been one of my favourite days ever. Niall and I did a little shopping (with fans and security guards :)) and had lunch. After Niall ordered the whole menu, some fans came along and asked us if we were a couple. I looked at Niall and he told them we are not.

Do I wish we were together? Of course! I really like him and he is just perfect for me. But we are friends for 2 years now and Niall never made a move on me and he's already in a relationship with Barbara, so maybe we were just ment to be friends.... :(

I will always love him❤  Yes I LOVE HIM ! If I could talk about him the whole time, I need two diary books to fill it up. I never get bored around him, he always makes me laugh and makes me feel special. I feel like we would be the cutest couple ever but as I said, he already has a girlfriend. Even thought I am his friend, I still get hate on twitter and on the internet, but Niall is very overprotective about me and told me to just ignore them. He told me everything is gonna be fine and I trust him more than anything

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now