Clove runs back to the cornucopia dragging me with her.Cato is back but Glimmer is not yet to be found.Peeta stands by my side as Cato approaches."What happened?" Peeta asks."He fell into a trap and the girl from six speared him",Cato explains.boom!boom!two cannons sound."Glimmer just killed the district 6 tributes",Cato says with a smile."We are down a person!and this early in the games!",Clove starts to worry."it's ok Clovey" Cato says in a sweet way,then looks at me with fiery eyes,"You will hunt with Glimmer and me.go pick a weapon and start killing".i walk to the pile of weapons on my left.i see an extra bow and take it.even though I have a talent with axes,I can't let them know my strength,plus Katniss taught me how to shoot just in case anything happened.I get my quiver and walk back to the group.Glimmer is back and is laying her head on Cato's shoulder.Clove is looking at the ground unhappily.i feel her pain so I walk up to Glimmer and say,"Hey!we both have bows!oh my gosh isn't it just great!"I then jump up and down.She crouches down and says,"Hey you know what?i wouldn't be so happy,because you will watch your friends die soon!ok?" she says in a baby voice.i peek over her shoulder and see Clove looking at me.i give her a quick smile then look back at Glimmer.I look up to her as innocently as I possible can then say,"ok".she is about to blow up with anger when Cato suggests we go we walk through the woods I stare at the bow in my reminds me so much of Katniss.oh how I wish I could see her again!Glimmer tells me to be quieter so I try to use what Katniss calls,'hunters feet'.turns out I'm pretty good at it.we smell smoke and make our way to the we run I load my bow.when we get close I can see its a tribute from we approach him I aim for his heart.when he notices us he starts to run but my arrow finds his heart quicker.his cannon sounds,as Cato looks at me like he is impressed."Wow,I guess we know what you showed the gammakers!".i smirk,"yeah I'm really good with a bow".we head off to locate another tribute.I would hunt for my food,but Glimmer is so load that she could scare off game all the way back in district 12!by the time we get back to camp we have killed three other tributes and it's dark.i snack on some roots and leaves then Clove ties me back up to the tree,but instead of standing,she lets me sit down.she also doesn't tie the ropes as tight."I heard about your shooting.good job",she wispers to me."oh,and thanks for what you did" she says with a wink then goes and lays down and snuggles up to Cato.i look at them and think oh they're so cute together!Clove is much more nicer then Glimmer.i start to drift off when I reliesed that today I have killed two people and wanted to hunt.totally no normal for me.i usually want to help them live,not take joy in killing them.have I turned into someone I'm not?
Taken by the woods -a Prim POV
Kort verhaalEveryone's favourite little sister is going into the arena!!Katniss and Gale run off to the woods one day and never came back.Prim gets reaped (like in the actual book) but no one is there to volunteer for her.threw out the story Prim makes friends...