5. Celebrating The News

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Brandon 💜

Yesterday I told Brandon that I was pregnant and he was so happy. I loved his reaction when I told him. Tonight Brandon and I have decided to celebrate at home by ordering a takeaway and chilling at home. That's the way we want to celebrate our baby news and we can't wait to. Brandon has called up the Chinese takeaway and placed in an order for us. It will be here soon. "Can't wait to celebrate our news tonight. We are gonna be parents" Brandon said. "Me too, babe. I'm so excited for us to be parents" I reply. "Me too. I can't wait" he smiles. Soon our order arrives at the door and Brandon pays the guy. He brings it in and we tuck in without plates or anything as we were just hungry and wanted to eat. "So damn good" Brandon said with a prawn cracker in his mouth. "Yep" I reply. So we eat our Chinese food and it was amazing. Brandon kept feeding me mouthfuls of his food. Awwww bless him. "That was so good. I think we should celebrate by watching a good movie and maybe having some popcorn now" Brandon said when we had finished. "Yeah sure. What do you wanna watch?" I reply. We look at movies and decided to watch Bohemian Rhapsody. It's a great movie. We snuggle on the couch together and munch on a little bit of popcorn. Brandon has his arms around me and us holding me close. He kept on touching my tiny little baby bump too and kissing it. So cute. We ended up falling asleep together after the movie but you know it was great. Brandon and I had a great night together eating Chinese food and watching a movie

Zion 💙

Zion and I are going to have a fun afternoon today. Last night I told him I was pregnant and we are going out to celebrate it. We are going bowling and then for something to eat afterwards. We thought that would be a great way to celebrate our amazing news. We can't believe we are having a baby together. So so exciting. We are heading out soon. We are just getting ready now. "You always look so gorgeous, babe" Zion said. "Thank you, babe. You do too" I reply. We get ready and then soon go out to the bowling alley first of all. When we get there we join the line and get our shoes and then go to our allocated lane. Zion sets it up and we start bowling. "I don't care who wins. This is not a competition. We are celebrating our baby news" Zion said. "Yeah I know it's not and I'm not a competitive person" I reply. "Ummm you can be" he said. Anyway we start bowling and I go first. My first go went pretty bad but the rest were better. Zion is much better than me. He got a couple of strikes. I was very happy for him of course. We bowled for a couple of hours and it was so much fun. Zion won but neither of us cared. "Well that was fun" I say as we leave. "Yes it was. I really enjoyed that. Now we should go for something to eat" he says. "Sure thing" I reply. So Zion and I find somewhere to eat and we decide to go for something simple as we want to save money so we go to Chick-fil-a. One of our favourite places to eat. We order what we want and find a table. "Here's to us and our baby in there" Zion said holding up a chicken fillet. I hold up one too and we kinda make a toast. "Yep definitely" I reply. We had a great time bowling and at Chick-fil-a today to celebrate our baby news. It was a great way to celebrate it

Edwin 🧡

I'm coming home from work after a long day and I can't wait to see Edwin. He's been at home most of the day as he's had an unexpected day off. Unfortunately I couldn't get anytime off work as I had to earn some money. Can't wait to get home to my baby. I told Edwin the other day my pregnancy news and we were both so happy. We haven't come off cloud nine since. I get in my car and leave work. I text Edwin before I set off as I always do. About 25 minutes later I arrive home at our beautiful apartment. I get the elevator up and open the door. As soon as I walk in, a beautiful smell wafts up my nostrils. "I'm home, honey" I say. I walk in and see Edwin cooking in the kitchen. He doesn't usual do much cooking. "Hey, baby" he said. "Hey. What are you cooking?" I say. "I'm making chicken pasta with a tomato sauce" Edwin said. "Ohhhh smells really good. It's nice of you to treat me" I reply. "Yeah I know. I thought we needed to celebrate our good news" he said. I kiss him while he cooks and go into our room to get changed. Soon we sit down at the table and eat the meal Edwin has just made. "Is it nice?" he asks. "Yes very. You know you're not a bad cook, Ed" I reply. "Haha thanks" he replies. So we just sit and enjoy our meal with a glass of lemonade each. We would have alcohol but we can't as I'm pregnant and I don't want to harm the baby of course. Edwin is a great cook and should cook for me more often. When has had eaten we sit on the couch and cuddle together. "Babe, maybe I can cook for you more since you are carrying my child in all" he said. "Yes I would love that, Eggwin" I reply. "Of course. Anything for you, my darling" Edwin smiles. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" he smiles. Edwin made a delicious meal for me tonight. It was so good and so lovely of him

Nick ❤️


Tonight me and Y/ N are going out to the beach. A few days ago she told me that she's pregnant and we are both so happy. We thought why not go out to the beach and celebrate. Not only that but I have a surprise for Y/ N. I'm going to ask her to marry me. We have always talked about marriage and I think now is a perfect time since we have been together for a few years and we are having a baby too. I've been thinking about proposing to her for a while now. Can't wait to. I have the ring. Me and Y/ N are about ready to go now. "Let's go, baby" I say. "Yes I can't wait" she replies. So we walk out of our apartment and get in the car and drive to the beach. Before going to the beach, we stop off for something to eat at McDonald's for the beach because we haven't had any dinner. When we arrive at the beach it was pretty quiet which was good. "It's nice and serene" Y/ N said. "Yep it is" I smile. I take her hand and we have a little stroll around the beach and enjoy the beautiful evening. I'm going to pop the question to her later when we've eaten. After a little while we find somewhere to sit on the sand and tuck into our food. It's still hot. Me and Y/ N enjoy our food and feed ourselves fries. Then we chill for a bit. I'm finding the right moment to propose to her. "Baby, I love you so much" I say. "I love you so much too" she replies. "I have something to ask you" I say standing up. I get the ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee. "Y/ F/ N. I love you so much. I can't believe you've been in my life for many years. I can't believe we are having a baby together. It's what we've always wanted. My love, will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me" I say. Y/ N stands up and has a huge smile on her face. "Yes, Nicholas. I will marry you. You don't have to ask. I love you so much" she said. I smile and place the ring on her finger and kiss her. I just proposed to Y/ N and I'm so happy she said yes. We are officially engaged now

Austin 💚

Tonight me and Austin have decided to go out to our favourite restaurant for dinner. Early last week I told him I'm pregnant and we thought we'd go out and celebrate our special news. We can't wait as we lobe to go out for romantic dates together. We are getting ready soon as the reservation is in the next hour or so. I am doing my makeup in the bathroom as it's a special occasion. Austin is styling his hair and getting dressed in our room. When I've got ready in the bathroom I go back into our room and get my dress on and Austin zips me up. "Beautiful as always, babe" he said. "Thank you. Handsome as always" I smile. Soon we get in a cab and it takes us to the restaurant and it arrives soon. We walk in and get seated at a table for two. We pick up the menus and have a look. "This is so nice and romantic" Austin said. "Yes it is" I reply. "I love it here as the foods great and I love being with you" he said. "Awwww, babe. Me too. It's amazing" I reply. So we order what we want and we wait for it to come. "Here's to our miracle, babe. Y/ N, don't worry because everything will be fine, my love" Austin said. "Yes I agree. Well hopefully everything will be okay" I reply. "It will be, sweetheart. I love you" he said. "I love you too, baby" I reply. So Austin and I had a lovely meal at our favourite restaurant. It was amazing and we toasted to our miracle baby too. When we got home we had a hot chocolate and cuddled till we went to bed

A/ N: hope you like this one. Which one was your favourite?

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