2. Making A Baby (Smut)

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Brandon 💜

A few weeks ago, Brandon and I were talking about having a baby together. So far we haven't really been trying but we've been considering trying but we just haven't got round for it yet. Brandon and I are just arriving home from a date. We have been out for a great meal and it was lovely to have a date night. We used to have date nights a lot. The cab dropped us off outside our apartment and we get the elevator up to where we live. Brandon opens the door and we walk in. "What a great night, babe? But I think we should get on with that baby making now" he smirks. "Okay, Mr Arreaga" I reply. He steps closer to me and starts kissing me. The kissing gets heated and we soon begin to remove our clothes. Brandon takes off his jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt. He grabs my hips and pulls my body closer to him. He unzips my dress. It falls to the floor and he continues to kiss me. Brandon takes off his shirt and unzips his pants. After a few more minutes of making out we go into our bedroom. Brandon pushes me down on the bed and then gets on top of me. He kisses me and runs his hands down my body leaving me chills. I feel his warm breath on my neck. Brandon unhooks my bra and then pulls down my panties. He pulls down his own underwear and then takes his member and inserts it into me. Brandon thrusts up and down on me for a while and it feels so good. Damn. We had great sex after our date tonight

Zion 💙

Zion is over at my place for the night and we are chilling together. We love spending time and chilling together. It's one of our favourite things to do together. I have my own place so we don't have to worry about people being around so it's nice and private when we're at my place. We are sat in the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn. Sometimes Zion gets a little fidgety and starts touching me. He can't keep his hands off me. "Babe, stop I'm trying to watch the movie and eat my popcorn" I say. "But, babe I'm kinda getting a little fidget" Zion replies. "I know you are" I reply. "Baby, you know you want it" he said. "Okay but not just right now" I reply. "Please, I need you" he said. "Okay then" I reply. "Yay!" Zion cheers. He pulls me up and drags me into his bedroom. He places his hands on my hips and starts kissing my mouth. The kissing gets heated and we soon begin to remove our clothes. Zion takes off my shirt to reveal his sexy body. I take off my top and we pace closer to the bed. Zion gets down and I get on top of him. He continues to kiss me. A few minutes later he removes my leggings and pulls down his own pants too. Zion kisses down my neck and chest area too. He then takes off my bra and pulls down my panties too. He teases me for a moment before inserting his large dick into my vagina. I ride up and down on Zion for a while. Eventually we flip over and I'm on the bottom and he's on the top now. We had great sex and maybe we'll have a baby soon. Hope so as we've been talking about it more

Edwin 🧡

Edwin and I are laying in bed watching TV before we fall asleep. We love laying in bed together with our arms around each other. I feel so special and safe when I'm in Edwin's arms. He makes me so happy. We have been considering trying for a baby soon and we think we might start trying soon. "I'm tired" I say as I'm laid on Edwin's chest. "Yep me too. You can go to sleep whenever you want, hun" I say. "Yeah" I yawn. "Baby, you know how we said we wanted to start a family soon. Well maybe we could have a little try now" Edwin said. "Okay sure I don't see why not" I reply. "See you're not too tired" he smirks. Edwin sits up and gets on top of me as I'm laid in bed. He starts kissing my mouth slowly. He is already shirtless and looking sexy AF. Anyway after a few minutes of kissing he rolls up my top and pulls down my pj bottoms as he kisses me.  He places his hand on my body leaving me chills. After a few more minutes he pulls down his pants and almost pulls down his underwear. He pulls down his underwear and then mine too. He continues to kiss me but it gets a little more rough this time. Edwin slips his dick into my vagina and starts thrusting up and down on me. We do this for a while and both make moaning noises as we do so. "Ohhhh, baby baby" Edwin moans. We do it for a while and it feels so good before we lay down next to each other and fall asleep. That was a good way to end the night. Maybe it will have got me pregnant

Nick ❤️

Nick is away on tour and I've joined him for a little while because why not. I miss him so much when he's away on tour. It's really not the same without him when he's away on tour with a while. I've only joined him for a few dates as I have to go home and work. But I love being on the road with Nick and the boys. The boys have just played a show in NYC and it was amazing. I was a proud girlfriend cheering Nick on from backstage. The boys have just finished performing so they are coming backstage. "That was awesome, babe" I say as Nick comes over to me. "Thank you. Awesome because you were here, babe" Nick replies. "Ummm I know" I reply. Nick smiles at me and takes my hand and leads me out the back door. "So where are you taking me?" I asks. "You'll wait and see, honey" he replies. We go out to the tour bus. Nick opens the door and follow him. "We both said we want a baby so maybe we could do that now" he said. "Okay sure" I reply. He steps closer to me and starts kissing my mouth. We kiss for a minute before getting into one of the bunks. I climb in first then Nick gets on top of me. He continues to kiss my mouth. We make out for a few minutes before we take off our clothes. Nick takes off his shirt before pulling mine off. He then unzips my jeans and pulls them down my legs along with his. He rubs my inner thigh a little before taking off his pants and underwear. His large member springs out. He kisses down my neck, chest area and body to my torso before removing my panties. In no time he had inserted his dick into my vagina. "Fuck, baby" Nick said under his breath. "Fuck, baby" I repeat as he thrusts up and down on me. Nick and I had amazing and hot sex in the tour bus. We quickly get dressed before anyone walks in and sees us. "That was so freaking good, baby. Just what I needed" he said. "It was and me too" I reply. That was amazing and maybe it will be enough to have a baby

Austin 💚

Austin and I have been debating weather we should have another baby or not. We are scared the same might happen again if I get pregnant but then again it might not. We might have a healthy little baby this time. Well that's what we really want. We've haven't started trying much. Like we haven't really had sex. I've just taken a shower as we will be heading to bed soon. I always feel so much better when I have a shower especially after a long day. I get out of the shower and dry myself before putting my bathrobe on as my pjs are still in our room. Austin is laying on our bed looking at his phone. "Hey, babe. Come here" he said. "Sure" I reply. He kisses me and says "I really wanna try for another baby. I think it's maybe the right time now. But, honey I'm not forcing you if you're not ready" Austin says. I hesitate for a moment. "Yeah maybe. Maybe it's the right time" I say. Before I could say anything else, Austin grabs me and pulls me onto him. We both giggle. "Maybe we could do it now" he said. "Okay" I reply. He starts kissing my mouth. After a couple of minutes of kissing, Austin takes off his shirt and unzips his pants and pulls them down his legs. Then he was soon to remove my bathrobe. I had nothing on underneath. I was naked but he likes me like that. "Baby, you smell so good. I love it when you've just got out of the shower" he said. "Haha. Thanks" I reply. He continues to kiss me for a few more minutes before taking off his boxers. Austin teases me before inserting his member into me. I ride on him slowly for sometime. We always take it easy when it comes to being intimate with each other but it's still so good. We do it for sometime and get under the sheets too and continue. We were both out of breath by the end of it. Maybe it would've paid off

A/ N: hope you all liked this part. Hope it's not too smutty for some of you

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