44. Baby's First Smile

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Brandon 💜

Sarah is about two months old now and she's mine and Brandon's little ray of sunshine. We love her so much. She's the sweetest little girl ever. Sarah has also be showing signs of smiling recently. We hope she smiles soon as we want to see her beautiful smile. We are sat on the couch having some family time before we all go to bed which will be pretty soon. Brandon is holding Sarah in his arms. "Aren't you the most adorable little girl in the world?" he said in his baby voice. "She is. We are very blessed" I reply. "We are indeed, babe. Sarah, mommy is just right" he said kissing her face. My eyes focus on both Brandon and Sarah. "Love you both" I say. "Love you both too" he smiles. As Brandon was making faces at Sarah, she smiles at him. "Aye, babe. She just smiled at me" he said. "I know. She did. I just saw" I reply. "Let daddy see that beautiful little smile again" Brandon said. Sarah gives Brandon another cute little smile. "Awe. That's perfect and you smile just like your mommy too" he said. My face lights up. "She has your dimples, babe" he said. So little Sarah smiled at Brandon for the first time today. Awww so cute

Zion 💙

Baby Kamari is coming on so much. Me and Zion are such proud parents of him. He's our little pride and joy and we love him so much. He's the best little boy we could ask for. He's about two months old and is doing great. I am in Kamari's room putting some of his clean clothes and stuff away when Zion walks in with Kamari in his arms. "Hey, babe. Need any help?" he asks. "No I think I'm fine. Thanks. How's the little man doing?" I reply. "He's fine. Just chilling with daddy. Aren't you, boy?" Zion said. I carry on putting his clothes away in the closet and drawers. Zion is still holding Kamari. "Babe, I think he just gave me a smile" he said out of the blue. "Oh really did he now" I reply. "Yes he did. Come on, Kamari. Do it again for Mommy. She wants to see that smile" he said. A few minutes later Kamari gives me a cute little smile. "Awww, sweetie that was beautiful. What a perfect smile you have? Just like your daddy" I say. "Yep just like me. Like father, like son" Zion said. "Yeah absolutely. Awe I can't believe he smiled at us for the last time" I reply. "I know right" he said. So little Kamari just smiled at us for the first time and it was so adorable

Edwin 🧡

Just yesterday Nala smiled at us for the first time. We've been trying to get Nia to do the same but she hasn't yet. I guess she'll do it when she's ready. Twins do things at different times. Not always the same time if they are identical. Anyway Edwin is about to come home anytime now from being at the studio for the day. He's been easing himself back into his day job after becoming a father. I had a day off college so I have been at home with our girls for the day. I've had a nice relaxing day with my princesses at home. "Girls, daddy will be home soon. Nia are going to smile for daddy when he's home?" I say. About 15 minutes later the front door opens and Edwin walks in with a smile on his face. He always comes home feeling happy. "Hey, my girls. I'm home. How are y'all?" he said. "Hey, babe. We're all doing fine. You?" I reply. "Yeah. I'm so happy to be home to my three favourite girls in the world" Edwin said. "We are glad to have you home. Aren't we, girls?" I reply. Edwin picks up Nia and cuddles her. "I asked her to smile for you today" I say. "Ohhh did you. Wonder if she will?" he said. We chill on the couch for a bit with the girls. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Nia smiling at Edwin. "Yay! She just smiled at me" he said. "She did. See she must've listened to me" I say. "She did. What a clever girl you are, Nia Chantelle Honoret" Edwin said. So Nia listened to me and smiled at Edwin

Nick ❤️

Drew is the sweetest baby boy in the world and he's growing up so much. Nick and I are such proud parents of him. We love him so much and we can't wait to give him a little brother or sister in the future but maybe not for another year or so as we've only just had Drew. He is almost smiling at us. We hope he'll give us his first proper smile soon because we really want to see that soon. I walk into the lounge from getting ready and Nick is sat on the couch on his phone and Drew is sat in his bouncy chair. "Hey" I say. "Hey, honey" Nick said. He smiles and gives me a kiss. "You look so beautiful, babe" he says. "Thank you" I say. I look down at Drew and wait he is smiling at me. "Nick, look Drew just smiled at me" I say. "Oh he did. He's doing it again" he says. "Yay! Drewster is smiling. How adorable is his little smile?" I said. "So adorable, babe. He's a little smilier" he said. "He is indeed. Just like his daddy" I reply. "Yeah just like me. I need a picture of him smiling" Nick said. So little Drewster smiled at us for the first time today. Awww what an adorable smile he has

Austin 💚

Amelia is just a beautiful little girl and she's such a joy. Me and Austin have been really blessed with our beautiful baby girl. She's the greatest gift from God ever. Me and Austin are having a chill day with Amelia at home because why not. It's been a pretty busy week for both of us so it's nice to have sometime together. I've just fed Amelia and she's laid on my lap right now. "Hey, beautiful little girl" Austin said. "She says hey daddy" I reply. "My little angel" he say. "She is our little angel"  I reply. "Hey, Amelia. Are you going to smile for daddy because loves smiling at you?" Austin said. A few minutes later, Amelia smiles at Austin and me. "Yay! You smiled and what a beautiful little smile, baby girl" he said. "So beautiful just like you, darling" I reply. "See I knew she would smile when I smiled at her" Austin said. "She did. Just like her daddy isn't she" I reply. "Yes she is. I must say so myself" he said. This time Amelia smiled at me and it was such a beautiful moment for both of us to witness. Our little girls first smile. First of many milestones

A/ N: so that's the first of the milestones parts. Next one will be set in a few months time

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