9. First Scan

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Brandon 💜

This morning Brandon and I are heading to the hospital for my first scan. We can't wait to see our baby for the first time. It's so exciting ahhhh. We have the first appointment this morning at 7:30am before Brandon goes into the studio and I go to work. We really wanted to book it today as I'm nearly at my three month mark in my pregnancy. We wake up extra early, get ourselves ready for the day and get some breakfast before heading to the hospital. We arrive soon and check in and take a seat in the waiting room. "I can't wait for this to see our little one for the first time" Brandon smiles. "Me too, babe. I can't wait" I reply. Soon we get called into a room by a lady. She greets us and we introduce ourselves and she starts examining me. "How long have you two been together?" she asks. "About a year and three months I would say" Brandon replies. "Yeah that's correct" I reply. "How are things looking?" he asks. "Very well. The baby looks pretty healthy so far" she replies. "Great" I reply. "Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?" Brandon asks. "No not yet. Not usual for another month or so" the lady replies. "We would like to know as soon as we can do we can get yet" he said. The scan finished and everything was great with our baby. He or she looks healthy and happy and that's the main thing

Zion 💙

Zion is meeting me at the hospital for my first scan at lunchtime. He really didn't want to kiss my first scan and see our baby for the first time. Of course he didn't. The boys don't know where he's going. He's just told them that he's meeting me for lunch somewhere. I arrived at the hospital soon so I'm there in plenty of time for my appointment. It is in about 20 minutes or so. Zion will be here soon. A few minutes later Zion walks in the hospital doors. "Hey, babe. I'm here" he said. "Hey, hun" I say. He sits next to me and kisses me. "I can't wait for this. To see our beautiful baby" Zion said. "Yes me too. It's going to be amazing" I reply. "It is, babe" he replies. Soon we get called into the room and I lay down on the bed and the sonographer starts to examine me. Zion sits close to me and smiles at me and squeezes my hand. We both look at the screen as the lady examines me. "Everything looks good so far. The baby looks healthy and well" she said. "That's great to hear thank you. That's just what we wanted to hear" I say. "It is. Fantastic" Zion replies. "You can book another scan for whenever you're ready" the lady said. So the scan finished and me and Zion leave the hospital feeling happy that we've seen our baby for the first time. We also booked another scan for 6 weeks time. We grab a sandwich and a drink together at the hospital cafe before he had to go back to work. I'm happy he could be here today

Edwin 🧡

Edwin and I are going to the hospital for my first scan. I'm about 12 weeks on so it's the perfect time to go for our first scan. We can't wait to see our baby for the first time or maybe babies as I seem to be gaining more weight. Could be twins. We think. We leave home and drive to the hospital. "So this is it, babe. The moment we find out if it's one baby or two babies" Edwin said. "Yes it is. Hopefully it's just one abc it's big" I reply. "Yes. I don't really know how to feel about having twins" he said. "Hmmm I know right" I reply. Anyway soon we arrive at the hospital and check in and wait for me to be called in. Edwin sits next to me and grasps my hand. Soon we get called into the room and greeted by a nice lady. I lay down on the bed and pull up my top and zip my jeans down a little. She puts the jelly stuff on my tummy and starts examining me. Me and Edwin look at the screen intently. "I can confirm that you're having twins. Congratulations" she said. "Yessssss you were right, Y/ N. Wow! Twins" Edwin said. "I was. Yay! We are having two babies" I reply. "I have twins and trust me they can be a handful" the lady said. "Twins should be exciting" I say. "Yep" Edwin replies. We leave the hospital soon with mixed feelings about having twins. Will we be able to cope? Maybe overtime

Nick ❤️

Today I have my first scan so Nick and I are heading to the hospital this afternoon. We managed to get an appointment for a weekend as we were both busy during the week. We really can't wait to see our baby for the first time. So exciting. It's what we've been waiting for a while. We get ready as normal and leave for the hospital. We are anxious to know if things are okay with the baby. There's no reason why they shouldn't. Can't wait. Soon we arrive and I check myself in the department. Me and Nick take a seat in the waiting area and wait to be called in. "Can't wait for this, babe. This is such a proud moment of being a father" he said. "Yes me too. Can't wait to see how our little one is doing" I reply. We didn't have to wait long. We got called in a few minutes early by a nice lady. "Hey. How are you two?" she said. "We are great" I reply. I lay on the bed and she starts examining me. "I see you two are engaged" she said. "Yes we are. I proposed to Y/ N recently" Nick said. "Nice so do you have a date for the wedding yet" the lady asks. "Nope not yet. Maybe after the baby is born. They are our main priority" I reply. "Everything looks very good with the baby you'll be pleased to know" she said. "Amazing" Nick said kissing my hand. We leave the hospital feeling happy with our first scan. We get printouts of the scan too

Austin 💚

Me and Austin are at the hospital for my first scan this evening. We are both excited and a little nervous at the same time. We are excited as it's my first scan with this baby and nervous as we don't want to receive any bad news. We are at the hospital now waiting for the appointment. "How are you feeling, honey?" Austin said. "Okay" I reply. "Baby, don't be nervous because everything will be okay" he says. "Yeah I hope so. I'll be glad when we know" I reply. Austin smiles and kisses me. Soon I get called into the room and the scan begins. Austin sits beside me as the sonographer examines me. "So is this your first baby, Mr and Mrs Porter?" she asks. "Yes well no actually it isn't. I was pregnant but gave birth to a stillborn. It's kinda painful to talk about" I reply. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear about that" she said. "So does everything look okay. We are anxious to know" Austin asks. She hesitates for a moment. "Yes it does. Very well in fact. You look to have a healthy baby" she replies. "Great. That's so good to hear" Austin said. "It is. Thank God" I reply. So the first scan went well and Austin and I are so relieved and happy to know that everything is good with our baby and hopefully we won't be going through that heartbreak again

A/ N: so that was the first scan
Btw I've changed my profile picture to Mark Lee. One of my favourite Kpop boys. I love him so much. Such a cutie and SuperM made their debut today. It's amazing

Were you expecting Edwin's to be twins?

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