25. Getting Ready For Baby

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Brandon 💜

I'm a few weeks away from my due date and we'll babe Sarah could come anytime soon so me and Brandon have to be prepared for her. We can't wait to see our baby girls face when she is born. Hopefully we will be the best parents to her. Brandon and I are chilling and having some relaxing time together now. "B, I just remembered that we haven't got the hospital bed ready yet" I say. "Yeah I know, babe but we can do that another time. Just remember" Brandon replies. "No I wanna do it now. It's bugging me" I say. "Okay I'll help" he replies following me into the nursery. "Okay so what do we need" he said. "Things for the hospital for when she is born and when she comes home" I say. I start getting some things out for me and the baby too. Clothes for me, a magazine, nipple pads if I breastfeed, cosmetics, a toothbrush, makeup and things for Sarah. "Brandon, What do you think for Sarah's going home outfit?" I say. "I don't know anything you want. Something cute and pretty" Brandon replies. So we pick an outfit for Sarah and we choose a cute one for her. We know she's going to be adorable. We get the hospital bag ready and then relax. That's off my mind now and it's not bugging me anymore

Zion 💙

My due date is just a few weeks away and Zion and I have been busy getting things ready for if baby Kamari could come early. It's so hectic getting ready for your new baby. Making sure everything is ready and in order. We didn't realise it would be so hard and stressful going into it but I guess that's all part of parenting. We know it will be harder once he's here and we'll have no time to ourselves. Can't wait till our little man is here though. Zion and I are in Kamari's room getting things ready in the closet and drawers. Kamari's clothes and other things. I already washed and ironed the clothes so they are ready. "Babe, I think we're doing okay" Zion said. "Yeah we are. So far so good" I reply. "You it's getting so real now. Our little king could be here anytime. In fact that's what we are going to call him" Zion said. "Yeah I know. It seems really real now, Zi. Kamari is our little king" I reply. "We should get something for above his bed that says Little King or King Kuwonu" he said. I smile at him. Anyway we carry on sorting things out in the closet and drawers. "It's fun getting his things ready" I say. "It is. I'm looking at all the cool and cute things we've got for him. The kid is gonna have swagger" Zion said. "He is. Just like his daddy" I reply. "I can't wait to be a daddy" he smiles. "I know you can't and I can't wait to be a mommy" I reply. So Zion and I had fun this afternoon getting things ready for baby Kamari

Edwin 🧡

I am over 32 weeks on in my pregnancy so the twins could come anytime now I think. Well in the next few weeks. I keep on going for my weekly appointments to see how the babies are doing. It's important that they get checked on regularly. In fact I've just had my weekly appointment now. Edwin was with me of course. Things are great with the babies again. They are doing well and the midwife was pleased with their progress. "I'm glad everything is going well with our girls" Edwin said as we left. "Yes me too. It's great. We could be meeting them very soon" I reply. "Yes we will" he replies. "It's a good job we've got nearly everything ready for them" I say. "I know right. It's so exciting now, honey. We are going to be parents so soon. Ahhhh yikes" Edwin said. "Yeah we are. Anytime" I reply. So we get in the car and drive home and have some chill time together. We look in the girls room and admire how good it looks. We are really proud of what we've done with it and everything we've got organised and can't wait to meet our girls in hopefully a few weeks time. So exciting

Nick ❤️

Nick and I are going to be parents soon and we can't wait for the arrival of our baby son Drew. This weekend we have been busy getting things ready for his arrival like if he comes early but hopefully he'll come on time and not too early. We think we are more or less organised. Well we would like to think so. Hopefully we are. We are also thinking of possibly having a home birth if everything goes according to plan. I like the sound of it. I am in baby Drew's nursery making sure we've got everything ready for when he comes home from the hospital, we'll that's if we go ahead with a home birth. I am going through in my mind what we need. "Babe, are you okay?" Nick said walking in. "Yeah I'm fine. Just making sure we've got everything ready" I reply. "Baby, don't drive yourself crazy. Anything you need I will do" he said. "I'm okay. Thanks. Just checking" I reply. Nick comes over to me and puts his arms around me and kisses my neck. Love him so much. "Don't worry, honey. I'm so you've got everything you need. You're always great at making sure things are organised. You're probably just overthinking. Pregnancy brain" Nick said. "Yeah I think you're right. Anyway I think things are okay" I reply. "Come on and relax with me" he said. Nick is right I'm just overthinking and have pregnancy brain. Everything is okay

Austin 💚

I'm just a few weeks away from giving birth to little Amelia. At this point in my pregnancy with Eva we knew that her heart had stopped and she wasn't going to make it. I'm still going for check ups and everything is fine with baby Amelia and me and Austin can't wait to meet her. So excited to be parents. Right now we are sorting out her clothes and things as they have just been washed and ironed. We've done a marathon but Austin is here to help me. "I love all the pretty clothes we got her" I say. "Me too. She's going to be a gorgeous girl just like her mommy and sister" Austin said. "Yes she will. Aust, do you think everything will be okay. We don't want anything to happen like last time" I say. "Baby, don't worry everything will be fine. The doctor said it will be so please don't have that doubt in your mind" he said. "Yeah it seems to be but I just don't want to loose another baby" I say. "Y/ N, we won't. Amelia is going to be just fine" Austin said. "Yeah" I say. We look at her clothes and carry on folding and organising them in the drawers. I sometimes overthink. Everything will be fine. The doctor said so. We can't wait to welcome our baby girl into the world soon and she will be healthy and beautiful

A/ N: just one more part to go till the babies are born. Yay! Can't wait

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