45. Baby Crawls

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Brandon 💜

Baby Sarah is now 7 months old and she's our little angel. She's such a happy little girl who loves life and spending time with her mommy and daddy. We love her so much. She's our little princess and she's the best thing that's ever happened to us. We don't know what we'd be without Sarah. Brandon is sat on the floor in the lounge playing with Sarah. She loves playing with blocks in particular but she's into her teddy's too. "Sarah, who's this?" Brandon said holding up her favourite teddy bear. She laughs and points up at him. "Come and get him but you're gonna have to crawl to daddy" he said. We've been trying to get Sarah to crawl up. A few minutes later she gets on her knees and crawls to Brandon. "Yes, you did it, my girl. Daddy is so proud of you, Sarah"
Brandon said. "Awww. She did it. Clever girl, Sarah. Mommy and daddy love you so much" I reply. Yay! Brandon got Sarah to crawl for the first time today. So proud of our little girl

Zion 💙

Now that Kamari is 8 months old, he really loves playing and having fun with me and Zion. We can't quite believe how much he's growing up. In another few months he'll be turning a year old and we are not ready for that. He is just like Zion. Like basically the splitting image of him. Like father like son they are. Zion is playing with Kamari in his room. When he gets home he always plays with him for a long time in his room. I walk in and they are playing. "Hey, boys" I say. "Are you having fun playing with daddy, Kamari?" I say. "Yes he is" Zion replies. I sit down on the floor with them and join in on the play. "Do you wanna play with mommy now, darling?" I say. "Yeah you can play with mommy, Kamari" Zion replies. Kamari gets on all fours and starts crawling to me. "Aye, he's crawling. Yessss he's crawling. That's so cool" Zion said. "Yay! You did it. Mommy is so proud of you" i say. "And daddy too" he said. So Zion and I carry on playing with Kamari for a bit longer till it was time to eat. He crawled for the first time today which is amazing

Edwin 🧡

Nala and Nia are growing up way too fast. Me and Edwin can't believe how much they are going. They are both different personalities. Their personalities are developing now they are getting older. Nala is quite sassy and quite mischievous and Nia is a bit more reserved but she also has some traits of her sister too. Both girls are a joy though. We love them both so much. Edwin's parents are over at our place today. We just had lunch made by us. His parents love seeing the girls and spending time with them. "Girls, come to  Grandad" Edwin's dad said. The girls laugh at him. "Grandad wants to play with you girls" Edwin said. "Come on don't leave grandad hanging" Edwin's dad said. The girls take a few minutes to cooperate before both of them crawl at the same time to Edwin's dad. "They both just crawled. At the same time" Edwin said. "They did. So proud of my baby girls" his mom said. "So clever are our girls" I say. "Such little angels" Edwin's dad said. So both of the girls crawled to Edwin's dad today and it was great. We were all so happy for them

Drew ❤️

Me and Drew have gone to visit Nick at the studio for the day. He is busy working on new music with the boys and is working late a lot of nights so me and Drew are spending sometime with him today. Drew is growing up so much and into everything atm. He's 8 months old and me and Nick think he could be walking before he's a year old. Drew loves watching his daddy and uncles in the studio and the boys love having us too. We've been at the studio for the last few hours now. The boys are recording vocals for a song now. Me and Drew are watching them. Sometimes he gets fidgety and wants to be off playing. That's happened now and he starts fussing. I put him down on the floor. I take my eyes off Drew for a minute and see him crawling around the floor. My face lights up as he hasn't really done that before. He was close the other night. A minute later the boys walk out of the recording booth. "Nick, Drew just crawled a minute ago" I say. "Did he? I wanna see that. We all do" he replies. "Come on, Drew. Are you going to crawl for daddy and the boys? They really want to see it" I reply. Drew starts giggling and then he crawls again. Nick and the boys cheer. "Well done. That's my perfect boy. Daddy is so proud of you" he said picking Drew up. We all smile. So it was a really successful day in the studio and our boy crawled for the first time too. So proud we are

Austin 💚

Now that it's summer, Amelia really loves being in the backyard. She loves playing and having a great time with me and Austin and also my friends children when they come around. She's such a joy and we love her so much. My best friend Sophia is over at our place with her son Daniel who is just a little bit older than Amelia, only by a couple months of months. Amelia and Daniel love playing together and it's so cute to see that. Amelia shuffles round on her bump a lot. She's not crawling just yet. Amelia and Daniel are playing together outside right now. Me, Austin and Sophia are watching them. Daniel is a bit older so he's nearly walking. Amelia shuffles on the grass to Daniel. I'm worried about her getting grass stains on her clothes. We keep an eye on them. "Amelia, are you going to crawl? We want to see you crawl, Princess" Austin said. She kinda nods her head and continues to play with Daniel. A bit later and Amelia finally crawls to Daniel. "Yesssss you did it. We are so proud of you" Austin said. "We are" I reply. "Awwww I remember when Daniel crawled" Sophia said. So we carry on watching the kids play and have a great time in the backyard this afternoon

A/ N: another short bit I know. It doesn't really need to be any longer. Just three more parts to go and it's over

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