23. Picking A Name

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Brandon 💜

Brandon and I haven't really thought about names that we could call our daughter yet. We should decide on a name before she is born. I would like to anyway. I really like the name Sarah for our daughter. I've always loved it. I know it's simple and there's lots of Sarah's around but it's really pretty. I want to see if Brandon likes it because I really do. "B, what do you think about the name Sarah for our little girl" I say walking into our bedroom from the bathroom and getting into bed. He doesn't answer me straight away as he's occupied by his phone. "Brandon, did you hear me?" I say. "Yeah maybe. I kinda like it actually" he said. "Yeah I love it" I reply. "Sarah is a cute name. I used to go to school with about a hundred but I like it" Brandon said. "I've always wanted to call my daughter Sarah. So you agree?" I reply. "Yes definitely. I like it a lot. Sarah Arreaga" he said. "Thanks, B. We should pick a middle name too" I say. "Yeah what would be a good middle name" he replies. "Hmmm how about Grace? That's a nice one and it's mine too" I reply. "Yeah that's perfect. Sarah Grace Arreaga. Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you" Brandon said touching my bump and kissing me. So we finally decided on a name for our daughter and it's the perfect one for a perfect little girl


Zion 💙

I have been thinking about names that we could call our son. I don't think Y/ N has anything in mind yet but I do. I wanna go for something cool and unusual like Malachi, Kamari or even Marcus. I think Kamari Kuwonu wound sound really cool. Y/ N said I can choose the first name if she chooses the middle name. I can't wait to decide on a name our little man. Me and Y/ N are sat at the kitchen table eating dinner. Maybe it's the right time to bring up the topic of names. "Y/ N" I say. "Yes, Zion" she replies. "So what do you think for names for our son?" I say. "I don't know. I said you can choose, Zi. Didn't I?" she replies. "Yeah you did. Well I have a couple in mind if you wanna hear" I say. "Sure" Y/ N said. "Well I really like Malachi, Marcus and Kamari for our son" I say. "Yeah cool" Y/ N said. "So which one do you think?" I say. "Zion, I just said you can pick the name" she said. "Okay yeah. Well I think I really like Kamari. Kamari Kuwonu sounds so cool" I say. "Yeah I really like that, Zi. It sounds so cool" I say. "It does. You can choose his middle name, babe" I say. "Well I was thinking maybe Caleb. Your birth name" she said. "I hate it. I prefer Zion but go ahead" I say. "Sure if it's okay with you" she said. "Yeah it's perfect. Our son will be called Kamari Caleb Kuwonu" I say. "Yeah I love that. Can't wait to meet you little Kamari" Y/ N said touching her bump. So we decided on a name for our son and we really love it


Edwin 🧡

Me and Edwin have been figuring out names that we could call our baby girls. We don't know weather we want to go with names that being with the same letter or different letters. It would kinda cute if they had the name initials. It's cute when twins gave similar names. Anyway there is still time before our girls are here so I guess there's no rush to decide on names yet. I'm have just got out of the shower. Edwin will be taking one after me. Now he's laying on our bed being lazy. So I get out of the shower and get dried and dressed before going into our room. "Babe, I've been thinking about names for the girls" Edwin said. "Okay what have you been thinking" I say. "Well I've been looking at names that begin with the same letter and I think we should go with the letter N. I've found two names that will be perfect" he said. "Sure I wanna hear" I reply. "How about Nala and Nia?" Edwin said looking at me. I pause before answering him. "Yeah I like those names they go together well. Good spot, Ed" I say. "Yeah I know. See I knew you would like them" he said. "Yeah they're pretty names for pretty girls" I say. "Yep definitely. Now we should choose middle names for them" Edwin said. So we think about middle names for a while before deciding on the ones. "So Nala Chanelle and Nia Chantelle Honoret" Edwin said. "Yes brilliant. We've cracked it. We have names for our girls" I say. "Yes we do" he said. So we have decided to name our baby girls Nala and Nia. Beautiful names


Nick ❤️

Me and Nick have been looking at names for our baby boy recently but we haven't found one that we like yet. We don't know if we want to go for something traditional or something a little more modern. We never thought it would be so hard finding the perfect name for our son but it's proving to be atm. Anyway we will find a name soon I guess. While I was out today, I picked up a book of baby names. Maybe that'll help us find the right name for our baby boy. Hopefully it will. I arrive home and Nick is doing a few jobs round the house. "Hey, sweetie. Did you have fun?" he asks. "Yeah I did. Look I picked up a book of baby names" I say. "Cool. Should we look through. We might find the perfect name for our son" Nick said. "Yeah definitely" I reply. So we sit down on the couch and look through the book. We see a few more names we like. We spend sometime looking through the book and get some more ideas. "Do you see any yet?" I ask. "Yeah actually I do. I like Drew. Not short for Andrew but just Drew" Nick replies. "Yes I like that too. It's nice. Just as a name on its own" I reply. "Yeah perfect Drew can be his name" he says. "Yes perfect. How about Alexander for his middle name? That's a nice classic name" I say. "Yeah absolutely perfect for our son. Drew Alexander Mara" Nick smiles. "Yeah we finally found the perfect name for him, babe" i smile. Nick smiles and kisses me as he places his hand on my bump. Finally we have found a name for our boy. Can't wait to welcome little Drew into the world


Austin 💚

Austin and I are close to choosing a name for our baby girl. When I was pregnant with little Eva we had a list of other baby girl names. The next names we liked was Amelia, Evelyn and Emma but we haven't fully decided on a name for her yet. My top choice would be Amelia. It's really pretty and sweet for a little girl. I think Austin likes it a lot too. We need to agree both of us though. Austin and I are sat on the couch relaxing for the evening just enjoying being together. He's so sweet as he keeps on rubbing my feet and getting me drinks and snacks. I have the best husband in the world. "Babe, we haven't decided on a name for our little girl yet" I say. "Yeah I know. Didn't we kinda agree on Amelia" Austin replies. "Well not fully yet but kinda" I reply. "Well I think Amelia would be perfect for our little girl, love" he said. "Yeah I definitely agree" I reply. "Okay Amelia it is then. I love it actually" Austin said. "Yep me too. Her middle name could be Rose you know since we got rose petals on the wall in her room. It would kinda make sense" I say. "Yeah that's a beautiful middle name and a beautiful first name too" Austin said. "Yeah our little angel. Amelia Rose Porter" I say. "Our perfect little angel" he smiles as he kisses me. So Austin and I were so happy that we decided on a name for our little girl. It's the perfect one too for a beautiful little girl


A/ N: so that's the names. What do you think? Did I choose good? I love them all

What's your favourite name?

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