34. He Changes A Diaper

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Brandon 💜


Sarah is now a few days old and me and Y/ N have been enjoying being home with her. She is such a sweet baby girl and we love being parents to her. We are definitely blessed. I think I've been a good dad so far expect I haven't tried to change a diaper yet. I mean like I will but I just haven't felt ready yet. Y/ N has been wanting me too. I want to be a hands on helpful dad. We are sat on the couch and I have Sarah on my lap. Y/ N is closing her eyes so I let her rest as she's tired. As I'm cuddling Sarah, I realise that she hasn't had a change in a while so I get up off the couch and go into her room and attempt to change her. I've been Y/ N do it so I should be able to figure it out. I lay her down on her changing table but she starts fussing. I calm her down by tickling her and pulling faces at her. She'll think I'm crazy. When Sarah had calmed down I take off her clothes and take off her dirty diaper. I got some warm water from the bathroom as Y/ N does it that. I grab a cotton wool pad and wipe Sarah. I also use a wipe to get off the poop that I couldn't. When she was done I dry her and put her a fresh diaper and her clothes back on. I'm proud of myself that I changed my first diaper today. Y/ N will be proud of me too

Zion 💙

Since we brought baby Kamari home from the hospital a few days ago, I've been trying to get Zion to change a diaper but he won't. He's been quite stubborn about it actually. Like he needs to do it. I can't change Kamari's diapers forever. Zion needs to. Tbh I think he's being a wimp. Honestly it's not that bad. I'm used to it. Anyway I am in the shower and Zion is watching Kamari in the lounge. He does a good job watching him when I'm getting ready or want time to myself. I get out of the shower and finish shortly after. I get dried and my clothes on before joining the boys in the lounge. Kamari is in his Moses basket sleeping. When I walk in he wakes up and starts to cry. Probably because I came back. "Hey, babe" Zion said. "Hey, Zi" I reply. "Ummm do you mind changing Kamari's diaper. Think he's due a change" I say. "Ummmm okay if I must" he replies. "Come on you have to" I reply. He reluctantly rolls his eyes at me and picks Kamari up and takes him into his room. He lays him down on the changing table and starts taking off his clothes. "Right, little man. Daddy is about to change your diaper" Zion said. He takes off Kamari's diaper and then stumbles. "So you need to wipe him" I say. "Oh yeah" he replies. Zion then wipes Kamari and then puts him a clean diaper on. "Yay! You did it. You just changed your first diaper" I say. "Yeah I did. Sorry I chickened out all those times" he said. "It's alright. You did now" I say. "I'm not doing anymore" he laughs. I'm glad Zion changed his first diaper today

Edwin 🧡

Since the twins have been born, Edwin has been a really hands on and helpful dad. We have been sharing the duties between us like feeding times and diaper changes and also night duties as well. Edwin has really taken to being a dad to our twin girls. We love them to bits. They are the sweetest little girls in the world and not really any trouble at all. He has become an expert at changing diapers. More than me haha. I never thought I would be saying that. The girls are both asleep now and me and Edwin are having a rare moment of peace right now. "Babe, it's nice just to have sometime together just the two of us" he said. "Yeah I know. It is. It's lovely" I reply. Soon one of the babies wakes up and it was Nia. Edwin reaches and picks her up. "Hey, baby girl. What's up?" he said. Nia carries on crying. "Aye, I think you need a diaper change, little one" he said. "You can do it" I say. "I know I'm gonna" he replies. Edwin takes Nia into the twins room and changes her. I stay with Nala as she was still sleeping. A few minutes later they come back. "There we go. All clean" he said. I smile. A few minutes later, Nala wakes up needing a change. "I'll do it, babe. You chill" Edwin said. "Okay thanks. Are you sure?" I reply. "Yep" he replies. Edwin takes Nala and changes her diaper to give me a break. He's an amazing boyfriend and dad. Don't what I'd do without him

Nick ❤️


Drew is now a week old and doing great. Everything has been great with him and me and Y/ N love being parents to him. I have been spending the last week at home helping out and being there for Y/ N and not in the studio with the boys. They understand and can't wait to meet baby Drew soon. Right now Y/ N is resting in bed as she's tired so me and Drew are having some father and son time together. I love holding him close and just cuddling him. I love my son so much. Drew closes just eyes as I'm holding him in my arms. "Mammas sleeping so it's just me and you, boy" I say. Soon I realise that drew needs a diaper change so I take him into hi nursery and change him. We didn't want to disturb Y/ N but I know how to change diapers. I don't mind doing it. I lay Drew down on the changing table and lift his top over his head and pull his pants down his legs and start changing him. I take off his soiled diaper and wipe his boy bits and then put him a fresh diaper on. "There we go. All clean, my boy" I say picking Drew up. I take him back into the lounge and we carry on having father son time till Y/ N wakes up

Austin 💚

Austin and I have been parents to Amelia for nearly a week now. We got home from the hospital a few days ago after our ordeals. Austin has been a great dad but I've been changing most of Amelia's diapers so far. I don't mind it but I would like him to do some more. I am in the kitchen making us some lunch while Austin is watching Amelia in the lounge. We both try not to be away from her at the same time just in case she wakes up. I'm making us sandwiches this afternoon. I make the sandwiches and then cut them into half and take them into the lounge for me and Austin. "Thank you, my love. Looks good" he said. "You're welcome" I reply. Just as we were about to take a bite out of our sandwiches, Amelia starts to cry and fuss. "Hey. What's up, princess?" Austin said. "Sounds like a wet diaper cry" I say. "Okay" he said. "You can do it" I say. "Okay I suppose it's only fair if you do it most of the time" Austin replies. He takes Amelia into our room and changes her. I follow him. He copies the process that I normally do when it comes to changing her. "It's just a wet one. Good" he said. "Yep keep on going" I reply. Austin changes Amelia and it goes well. Then we go and enjoy our sandwiches

A/ N: double update today and probably tomorrow because why not

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