30. Labor/ Delivery- Nick ❤️

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I am just a few days off my due date so our baby boy Drew could come anytime now. Me and Nick are ready and we are having a home birth in our own home. Hopefully if all goes according to plan. My midwife Andrea is in hand for whenever the times come. We can't wait. We are so excited to become parents. Nick is around as much as possible but he has to go out to the shops and stuff. He's out right now at the grocery store doing some shopping as we need stuff. I'm at home relaxing as I don't really have the energy to go out as I'm heavily pregnant and ready to pop. I'm sat on the couch drinking some tea that Nick made me before he went out. I am cradling my bump while I sip on the tea. I daren't get up in case anything happens but I really need a pee so I take the chance. I can't hold it in till Nick gets home. He won't be too long. I carefully get up off the couch and make my way to the bathroom. We live in an apartment so luckily I don't have to manage stairs. As I approach the bathroom, suddenly a big gush of water comes out. It feels like I've just peed myself. Wait my waters have just broken. I grab onto the side of the sink and catch my breath before reaching into my hoodie and getting out my phone. I find Nick's number and call him. Think that's sign labor has started. He answers his phone as quick as he could. "Nick, baby. My waters have just broken. I think I'm in labor" I say. "Oh okay, babe. I'll try and be home as quick as I can. Stay calm. I'll try and be home in 20 minutes" Nick said. "Okay okay. I'll call Andrea. It's okay" I say. I call Andrea, my midwife to tell her I've gone into labor and she's on her way too. I need one of them to get here soon. I go to the toilet and then sit on our bed as I couldn't get to the lounge as I was exhausted

When Nick comes home he runs into the house wondering where I am. "Are you okay, baby? Where are you?" he said. "It's getting worse, Nick" I reply. "Don't worry. I'm here and Andrea will be here soon" he replies. He picks me up and takes me into the lounge and puts me down on the couch. Soon the door opens and Andrea walks in. "Hey. I'm here. Sorry I'm a bit late" she said. "It's fine. Don't worry" I reply. "So how frequent are your contractions?" she asks. "About every 5 minutes" Nick replies as he's been timing them. "Okay let's take a look" Andrea said. I pull down my pants and she examines my cervix. "You're about halfway dilated. It could still be a while but I'll be here waiting till the moment comes" Andrea said. "Okay thank you, Andrea" I reply. "And I'm here too, baby. I'm never leaving your side" Nick said holding my hand and kissing me. We wait sometime as I'm only halfway dilated so baby Drew isn't gonna come anytime soon. Not for several more hours hopefully. Andrea kept on examining me every hour or so. Two hours after and I was two more centimetres dilated which was great. Nick and Andrea didn't leave my side which I was grateful for. The time is passing very slowly though. We just want to meet our little baby boy. It's been about 8 hours now and I'm getting towards the final stages now. I'm not fully dilated. Finally so hopefully not long now. I get in a comfortable position to push and deliver. I found that squatting on the floor was the best for me. Andrea laid down towels so we didn't mess up the carpet. Nick kneeled down by my side as I pushed. Every time I took a deep breath in and out and remembered the breathing techniques I was taught in prenatal class. "Almost there, Y/ N" Andrea said. "Come on, honey. You're doing so well" Nick said. I squeezed onto his hand as I did the final pushes. Wow! It's so hard. I can't breathe

Soon after and our baby son Drew came into the world. I had to deliver the placenta but as soon as he was born, we could hold him. He screamed the house down. He definitely has a set of lungs on him. Andrea cleaned him off and wrapped him in a towel and handed him to us. "Well done. You did so well, Y/ N and he's beautiful. Congratulations, guys" Andrea said as she handed Drew to us. I held him in my arms. "Hey, little boy. Aren't you gorgeous?" I say. "Hey, little man. I'm your daddy. You're a handsome one" Nick said. "He is. Aghhh I can't believe he is here. I'm so happy he's here" I say. "Me too. It's been a long time coming but he's finally here" he said. Andrea leaves us to have sometime with Drew and to get acquainted with our newborn son. "Baby, I can't believe we are parents. Wow! It feels so real" Nick said. "It does and he's just perfect. We have the perfect little baby" I say. "We do, honey. Can I hold him now?" he said. "Of course. You don't have to ask" I reply. I hand baby Drew to Nick and he holds him for quite a while. "Hey, Drew. Welcome to the world, Drewster" he said. He holds Drew and kisses me on the forehead. "You did so well today. I'm so freaking proud of you" Nick said. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you" I reply. We share a kiss on the lips. So we are so so happy that baby Drew is here safe and well. It's such an amazing feeling to finally be parents

Drew Alexander Mara 💙Born May 3rd @ 8:37pmWeight 8lbs 7oz

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Drew Alexander Mara 💙
Born May 3rd @ 8:37pm
Weight 8lbs 7oz

A/ N: awwww another adorable baby. PRETTYMUCH and CNCO just released their collab today and it's so good. I love it

Last labor part coming later

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