7. Telling His Family

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Brandon 💜

Me and Brandon are hanging at his parents place with his mom, dad and sister today. At some point we are going to tell them that we are having a baby. We've already told my family and they were mostly happy for us but a little shocked. Especially my dad. We need to tell Brandon's family now. We have mixed feelings about doing so but we think they will be happy as his family love me. We are finding the right time to bring it up. We are all sitting in the lounge talking. Brandon and I are keen to tell his family about our news. For a second there was a silence so we decided to bring it up. "Mom, dad, Halie. Me and Y/ N have something to tell you" Brandon said. "Sure, sweetie" his mom replies. "Well me and Y/ N are having a baby" he said. They looked pretty shocked actually. "Really? You're having a baby" Halie says. "Yes we are" I reply. "Yay! That's wonderful news. I've always wanted a grandchild" Gina said. "Awesome. I'm gonna be a grandad. When is it due?" Chris said. "Well we don't know, dad. Y/ N is only about two months on so in like 7 months we reckon" Brandon  said. "Let's celebrate with some chocolates and wine but not for you, Y/ N. I will mix you up something for you" Gina said. She goes and gets the chocolates and wine and we celebrate our news. Brandon's family are really happy for us

Zion 💙

Zion and I are visiting his family in Canada for a long weekend. We both had sometime so off we were like why not visit his family in Canada. We arrived this afternoon. We haven't had a chance to tell our news yet but we will soon over dinner. Zion's mom is making dinner so we will tell them soon. We can't wait to tell them as we think they will be happy for us. Soon the meal was ready so we all sit at the table and dive in. Me, Zion and his parents and siblings of course. I sit next to Zion and his sister Kékéli. "Thanks, mom. This is so good" he said. "You're welcome, sweetie" Mandy replies. So we all tuck in and eat. We will tell them after everyone's eaten. The topic was just general conversation over the dinner table. After dinner we get ready to help clearer away the table. "Everyone. Me and Y/ N have something we want to tell you" Zion said. "Yes we do" I reply. "Well listen up. Y/ N is pregnant" Zion said. "OMG really?" Kékéli replies. "Yes we are having a baby" Zion said. "This is amazing news. I'm going to be a granny" Mandy said. "And I'm going to be a grandad" Prosper said. They hugged us and congratulated us. "What do you think of this, Elom?" Zion said to his brother. "Yeah it's cool. I'm gonna be an uncle" Elom replies. "I'm so happy for you too. I knew you would have a baby together. Ahhhh I can't wait to be an aunt" Kékéli said. "I wasn't expecting this but it's amazing news. You're having a baby" Mandy said. So we are really happy we told Zion's family tonight. We spent the whole evening talking about it

Edwin 🧡

Edwin and I are out with his parents at a restaurant for dinner. We said we wanted to meet them for dinner so we can tell them our baby news. Can't wait to. We just need to find the right time to tell them. We have just arrived at the restaurant now. Me and Edwin are treating his parents to the meal but they don't know that yet. We know they won't be happy when we say we are paying for the meal but we are. We sit down and order drinks to begin with as we look at the menus. "So how are you two?" Edwin's dad asks. "Yeah we are great, dad. Aren't we?" Edwin replies. "Yes we are" I reply. So we order what we want and talk amongst ourselves as we wait for the food to arrive. Edwin and I will tell them when there is a lull. "So have you two got anything good planned?" his mom asks. "Hmmm yeah. Actually we have something to tell you, mom and dad" Edwin said. "I love good news" Mrs Honoret said. "I'm pregnant. Me and Edwin are having a baby" I say. His parents faces light up. "Awe that's fantastic news. I was hoping you two would get on and start a family soon" Mrs Honoret said. "Thanks, mom. We can't wait for this next chapter in our lives" Edwin said. "Yes we can't wait" I reply. "Our first grandchild. This is so amazing and special" Mr Honoret said. Edwin smiles and puts his arms around me and kisses me on front of his parents. The food arrived and we had something great to toast at the table. We paid for the meal even though Edwin's parents wouldn't let us but they were so happy to hear our news

Nick ❤️

Me and Nick are hanging out with his older siblings; Chris, Mia and Rob at his sisters house and we are having a great time. We want to tell them that we are pregnant but we haven't found the moment to tell them. We are in the dining room playing pool and having drinks and food. Everyone is having alcohol expect from me obviously who can't because I'm pregnant. I just said I didn't feel in the mood for any. The family knows we are engaged but they don't know we are having a baby yet. It's Chris's go and the others are stood round the pool table and Nick and I are sat on the chairs together. "Should we tell them soon" Nick said. "Yes of course when the time is right" I reply. "I really want them to know" he said kissing my cheek. So we all carry on playing pool for a while longer till we've all had enough. "Guys, me and Y/ N have something we'd like to tell you" Nick said. "Ohhhh okay" Rob replies. "So as you know we are engaged. Not only that but me and Y/ N are having a baby together. We really can't wait to be parents. We hope y'all are happy for us" he said. "Of course we are happy for you. We are so happy for you. We can't wait to have a niece or nephew" Mia said. "That's awesome, guys. You are gonna be the best parents in the world" Chris said. "Ahhhh I can't wait to be an uncle" Rob says. "Thanks, guys. We really had to let you know" Nick said. "We can't wait for the next few months" I smile. Nick smiles and puts his arms around me. We all have a group hug. So happy we told Nick's siblings and we had a fun day with them too

Austin 💚


Me and Y/ N lately found out that we are pregnant. We have decided to pay both of our families an unannounced visit to tell them. We went to Y/ N's family last weekend now we are at my family's in North Carolina this weekend to tell them. We have just arrived at my parents house. My mom answers the door and looks surprised to see us. "Hey, mom" I say. "Hey, sweetie. What brings you two here?" mom said. "Well we just thought we'd come and visit you this weekend" I say. My mom smiles and we go in and give her and my dad a hug. Y/ N and I hangout with my family and my mom gets us drinks and snacks. "It's so lovely you could come. We've missed you so much" my mom said. We smile. "Should we tell them yet?" Y/ N whispers. I nod my head. "Mom, dad, brothers. Me and Y/ N have something we'd like to tell you" I say. "Ohhhh really. I hope it's good" mom replies. "Yes it is. Well you know things were really really hard when we lost Eva. After sometime we have decided to try again for another baby" I say. "We have and I'm pregnant" I say. "Ahhhh that's wonderful news. That's amazing. I really hope you would try again" mom said. "Congratulations, guys. I'm so happy" dad said. "Great" my brother Ryan said. "Things are going to be fine this time so you two won't worry" mom said hugging us. All my family were happy for us and told us not to worry. We are glad we made the visit to tell them

A/ N: who's enjoying this book? Close to 200 reads. Hope I'll be there soon

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