ii. feels like the beginning of something

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cassie pressed her face into her pillow at the sound of fiona's voice. she pulled the comforter over her head just before lip jumped from the top bunk onto her bed.

the girl didn't know what the comforter would've done in shielding her, but she did it anyways. a groan left her lips when she felt his body land on top of her own.

"first shower." ian threw the blankets off himself, jumping to his feet to reach the bathroom before any of his siblings.

lip rolled off of cassie's bed at ian's words, taking off towards the bathroom a few steps behind the red head. "you had it yesterday!"

"fuck." cassie breathed out, pressing the back of her hand against her forehead as she stared up towards the ceilings.

"come on, cass." carl appeared at the edge of her bed, peering down at her with a childish grin on his features. the boy put his hand towards her, helping her out of the bed.

"i'll be down in a minute, carl." cassie mustered up a reassuring smile. carl bought it, she assumed. he left without another word, making his way downstairs with ian not to far behind him.

cassie internally thanked her little brother when he shut their door behind him. she shuffled through her clothes drawers, trying to find anything that looked semi decent enough to wear that day.

a groan along with the sound of falling books echoed through the bedroom. she threw her hands over her nearly bare chest that was only being covered by the bra she'd thrown on just moments prior. elliot laid on the ground, rolling into his side with another groan.

"elliot, what the fuck?" cassie threw on her shirt before dropping to the floor to help the boy to his feet. "how many times do i have to say use the front door."

"but this is more fun." elliot spoke dramatically, falling onto the girl's bed that was against the wall opposite of ian's, but facing lip and carl's bunk.

cassie rolled her eyes in response, getting ready for the day once again without another interruption from the boy laying in her bed.


"where's cassie?" fiona questioned lip, her motherly tone evident in her voice.

"here." cassie spoke dryly, throwing a couple twenties into the box for the electric bill fiona had to pay that day.

elliot was leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, waiting patiently on the girl. he sent lip a nod to which the gallagher boy returned.

"have you taken your meds today?" fiona sent her a worried look. cassie let out a humorless laugh at fiona's question as she stole a hand full of cereal from carl's bowl despite the playful shove he sent her.

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