vii. it's you and me

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"those are bad for you."

"says the one who smokes a pack a day." cassie didn't bother sparing malachi a glance as she held the unlit cigarette between her lips.

"touché." malachi easily took the spot on the bench beside the gallagher girl, pulling a white lighter from his pocket followed by his own pack of cigarettes. "here."

cassie allowed him to cup his hand by her mouth, blocking the wind as he lit the cigarette before repeating his action for himself.

cassie studied the boy for a moment before her eyes flickered back to the cigarette in her own hand once she realized he'd caught her staring. the black nail polish coating her nails was beginning to chip and the slight shake in her hand was unmissable, even for the milkovich boy by her side.

"better not let eli know i made you blush. he might be jealous." malachi's words were slurred to the slightest by the cigarette that hung loosely between his lips.

"as if." cassie rolled her eyes playfully as the buzz from the nicotine began to settle. "what're you doing here?"

malachi simply grinned, finding humor in the girl's sudden wish for a subject change. " lip told me you'd be here."

cassie nodded in response, allowing her gaze to remain on the chicago river only feet away.  malachi's eyes, however, remained on the gallagher girl. he knew there was something pondering in her mind just by the look etched on her features.

"what're you thinking about?"

"whatever you're thinking about." cassie was quick to counter his words, a gentle smile tugging at her lips, nonetheless.

"you know, you don't have to keep up with this facade that you're fine when you're with me." malachi's gaze was intense, nearly forcing cassie to cower in response. "i know you do it with your siblings because you don't want them to worry, and you do the same with elliot and me as if we can't see straight through the game you're trying to play. you're hurting, cass."

"everyone's hurting." cassie's voice fell nearly below a whisper, her gaze flickering to the boy's hand who'd taken a hold of her own.

"you're the strongest, most beautiful person to me. you're heart's too big for your own good." malachi then wrapped his arms around the gallagher, pulling her frame into his chest.

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