ix. all of it haunts me

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cassie flinched visibly, the girl tugging her hand from elliot's out of instinct. "you scared me."

"shh," elliot motioned around the bedroom towards the sleeping frames of her brothers, the realization causing her to fall silent quickly before laying her head back upon her pillows. "i missed you."

cassie felt elliot's finger trail over the skin of her cheek before it pushed the hair that framed her face behind her ear. "it hasn't even been a day, eli."

"and?" elliot spoke playfully below his breath before taking his time in removing his shoes and jacket in order to join the gallagher in her bed as they'd done so many times before. "any time you're not right here, i miss you."

cassie sat up ever so slightly, looking to elliot with hopeful eyes as she simply waited for what he'd promised her. the drugs in his back pocket were visible after a moment, the pure joy on cassie's face causing his heart to clench.

elliot enjoyed seeing the emotion etched upon her features, but couldn't help but feel as if her addictions were his fault. malachi's words of disapproval always seemed to echo in his head anytime he found himself in this predicament with the gallagher.

"here you go, princess."


the teenagers laid in cassie's bed, the two facing one another as cassie's eyes flickered shut every so often. elliot remained sober, watching over the girl as malachi once did.

cassie's features remained empty of emotion as she used her finger to trail down the side of elliot's face until his jawline was reached. the act sent deja vu through the boy from the many nights he'd come back to her just as intoxicated.

only now, the roles had been reversed.

"are you okay?" elliot's words fell nearly silent, knowing that the blonde would catch them due to the close proximity.

cassie didn't bother to utter a response, instead the gallagher leaned forward to press her lips against his. without a hint of hesitation, elliot returned the gesture.

after a moment, cassie pulled away, but allowed her forehead to press against his own. her eyes closed involuntarily, elliot's hand finding the side of her face where he caressed the side of her cheek.

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