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(This is some time after Void Steve put Sabre in the machine to get the Galaxy Sword, Sabre escaped the machine, and is now running for his life.)
(Sabre P.O.V:)
"Sabre~ Give. Me. The. SWORD!" I heard Void Steve yell after me. I just yell back over my shoulder, not wanting to stop. "NOPE!" And run some more. Eventually, I got cornered against a cliff wall, and Void Steve was practically on top of me. (Stop that you filthy sinners) "Sabre-" Void Steve starts, but I cut him off. "LET ME GO!" "NO." He responds, slamming me against the wall. I gasp in pain. "Hm... I wonder what you look like without that stupid Bandana~" Void Steve said tauntingly. I started panicking. "NO! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screech at the top of my lungs. "Hmmm... how about no?~" Void Steve said, his hands slowly reaching for my Bandana. I try to twist away from him, but he has me shoved against the flipping wall. He slowly unties my bandana, just to taunt me I bet. Then, once it is untied, he freaking RIPS IT off of my face! I refuse to open my eyes, though. 'He will never see them. NEVER.' I thought to myself. "Sabre~" Void Steve cooed, trying to get me to open my eyes. "Fine then. I'll just-" He, well, TRIED to say, but was unable to finish due to the fact that Rainbow Steve just came out of nowhere and said "HI VOID STEVE! Wait, Sabre? Why don't you have your bandana on?" He asked, apparently oblivious to the fact that Void Steve was pinning me to the wall. "I just felt like seeing what he looked like WITHOUT the stupid mask. But SOMEONE won't let me see his eyes." Void Steve responded. "Care to help?" He continued on to ask Rainbow Steve, Who brightened up considerably. (Not sure how you saw that Sabre, what with your eyes being closed and all, but okay.) "Sure! How can I help? Without hurting him, of course!" Rainbow Steve said cheerfully. I felt Void Steve let go of me, and heard Rainbow Steve back up, saying "V-Void Steve? W-what are you doing? S-stay back!" I then hear someone fall, and I am assuming it was Rainbow Steve. "N-no! Leave me alone! Stop! Stop it!" I hear him say, and I can't take it anymore. I HAVE to help him, no matter what he has done before. I open my eyes, just to see that Void Steve is hovering over Rainbow Steve, a strange orb of black light floating just above his hand. "NO! STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yell, getting Void Steve's attention.

He turned around, smiling, and looked me in the eyes.
And he looked terrified.

(Author's Note: I have had this written for about three days. Also, this was VERY fun to write. This isn't going to be a constant series, so be aware. Just felt like writing something new. Also, how would you guys feel about a FGOD Error book? For those who know what that is, of course.)

Word Count: 464

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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