Something has Changed

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(Swear warning)
(Sabre's P.O.V:)
I wake up in darkness. Then... my eyes open? I watch as my body moves, unprompted. My hand goes up to my head, and my teeth grit together from a pain that I do not feel. Shadow and Dark Steve rush over to the tube I am in, a worried expression on their faces. Their mouths move, but I still can't hear them. "Goddamit. I can't understand you two. Speak in Player Tounge for now." My mouth says, in a voice that is not my own. "Are you alright sir? Was the transfer successful?" Dark Steve says, opening the tube. 'Sir?' I question in my mind. 'There you are.' I hear in my mind, and I panic a bit. It's Nightmare Steve's Voice. 'Indeed it is, Sabre.' WHAT! 'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!' I shout mentally. 'You mean OUR head. And no. I will not.' He responds. 'Ours?' I ask. "Yes. Unfortunately, he is here too." Nightmare says to Dark Steve. Then I realize. Nightmare Steve had built a machine so he could merge with me. And Nightmare Steve was in control. 'Finally he realizes. For the Savior, you sure are slow. Makes me wonder how you ever managed to beat me.' Nightmare said to me. "How different does our body look?" Nightmare Steve asked Dark and Shadow Steve. "Only your eyes are different, Sir." Dark Steve responded. Nightmare Steve huffed. "The Bandana should solve that." He said. 'The Others will realize its not me. He sounds completely different. His voice is too gravelly' I think, and then curse myself. Nightmare Steve chuckled, much to Shadow and Dark Steve's confusion. "I think he is going to be of more help than we thought, just because of how unguarded his mind is. According to him, I sound different from how he normally does. It's too Gravelly. So we need to change that." Dark Steve nods. Nightmare Steve clears... our throat? My throat? His throat? Nightmare Steve then tries to talk. "How does this sound?" He asks, and I am shocked. He must have sensed my shock, because he smiled smugly. "Seems he thinks it's accurate enough. Time to cause some Havoc, boys." He says. "Okay, bring me my Bandana." He says, making me angry. "Oh, is somebody angry~?" He taunts me in our head. I refuse to respond. I can feel him shrug mentally, and Dark Steve comes back, Bandana in hand. He gives it to Nightmare, and Nightmare tells me, 'Put the Bandana on.' I comply, as it might be one of my only chances to move my own body. Nightmare Steve makes us fly up to an open window about our size, and stops on the sill. "Today is the day that Rainbow Falls!" He announced, and he made us fly away in the direction of where we last saw my friends.
I can only hope that they stay safe.
'But you know they won't.'

(Author's Note: SUFFER!!! YOU SHALL SUFFER!!!!! XD. I'm sorry, but he still has more to go through in terms of suffering. R.I.P Sabre. But not really, he is too relevant to the plot.)

Word Count: 490

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