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(Sabre P.O.V:)

I woke up in a dark room, and was confused about my surroundings, until I remembered what just happened. At that moment, however, Nightmare Steve walked in. Seeing me awake, he smirked and walked towards me. I backed myself up against the wall, and he stopped about a foot away, and just looked at me. Then he came close enough for him to have wrapped his arms around me. His hand went up to my hood, and slowly made it slide down. Then I felt his hand slide through my hair, and reach the knot that tied my Bandana. He slowly undid the knot, and then pulled my Bandana away from my face inch by inch. Once it was off, he looked into my eyes with an unreadable expression. He drew himself even closer to me, one hand going up to touch my face. I stood stock still, unsure of what was happening. He brushed my hair out of my eyes, and his face drew closer to mine. But at that moment, he drew away, looking me up and down. "You got clothes on underneath that chicken suit?" Nightmare Steve asked suddenly, and all I could do was nod. I was wearing a royal blue shirt with blue-black jeans underneath. Nightmare just nodded, and then said "Take the stupid costume off." I looked at him, unsure. He growled. "Take that costume off now, or I will take it off of you by force." Nightmare said, and I got the strangest sense that he actually would, so I hurriedly took off the onesie that covered my normal clothes. Nightmare just nods, and calls out, "Take him to the Chamber. NOW."  I look around for who he was talking to, and I suddenly feel hands on both of my arms. I look over at who the hands belong to, and my stomach drops. It was Shadow and Dark Steve. They started drag-shoving me out of the room, and after a while I just walked along with them, following Nightmare Steve to wherever he was going off to. Then. Then I see it. A giant light blue test tube, and I was being shoved right towards it. Before I could even try to struggle, I am locked into the tube, and I cant move at all. There is some sort of strange control panel in front of the tube, and Nightmare Steve goes up to it, and starts messing with it. I can see little metal claw-hands  moving down and out of a little compartment in the top of the tube. (If you've seen handplates, it's like that, but Sabre has clothes on, and there is no liquid in the tube.) The little hands move down, poking and prodding at me. At one point, a few turn into scanners and scan me for some reason. I don't know what Nightmare Steve is doing, but I feel like a test subject being studied. A few of the Scan-Hands move up to my face, and scan my eyes and hair. Then a few normal hands go up to my face as well, and they open my mouth, and the scanners scan the inside of my mouth. Then they all move down to my midsection, and the Grabbers pull my shirt up, and the scanners whiz about, scanning every inch of my stomach, back, and chest. Then a few different looking hands move up to my neck, and I feel a sharp pain. It moves around my face, and I can see that it has taken some blood, and was going back up into its compartment. Then I realize.
I'm just another lab rat to them.

(Author's Note: See? Not too romantic, it's more like a strange fascination that is drawing Nightmare to Sabre. Pure curiosity, and wondering about a certain thing that may or may not happen very soon. BUT before you get any ideas, ima tell you now. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT WRITE SMUT OR LEMONS!!! Maybe a bit of fluff, but that's about it. AND DEFINITELY NOT WITH NIGHTMARE. There are currently no ships, just filler.)

Word Count: 616

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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