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(Lucas P.O.V:) (Again, XD)

I am pacing up and down the floor, impatiently awaiting for my Friends' arrival. I'm on the verge of just going back up to Sabre's room, when I finally hear a knock on the front door. I race to answer it, but about halfway though, I remember to be quiet and check who was outside. I slowly approach the door, and look through the peephole, and I see Galaxy, Rainbow, and Void Steve. I open the door and have to stop myself from yeeting Rainbow Steve inside and up to Sabre. Instead, I usher them all inside. "Come with me. All of you. NOW." I say, practically dragging poor Rainbow Steve. I bring them all to Sabre's room, and Light Steve is standing in front of the door. He waves his hand a little, still kinda shy. "Hello guys! Sabre is just in here. Just... be careful, Kay?" He signs. The others try to talk, but before they could, I shush them, and tell them to just go into the room. They all walked in, as did Light Steve and I, and they looked shocked and scared. They were probably thinking something along the lines of 'Who did this? Who hurt our friend? Our savior? Who dared enough to hurt him? Who was strong enough to manage it?' Due to the fact that they had never seen Sabre hurt before, and most likely had thought him indestructible. I look to Rainbow, who, like the others, are still speechless, and say "Rainbow, we need your help." That alone gets him to look up at us, and we can see the fear in his eyes. He doesn't say anything, so I continue. "We have Reason to believe Nightmare Steve was the cause of this, and put Sabre to sleep using Magic. The only way to wake him would be to use the opposite of Nightmare's Magic, or the closest thing, which would be you." I finish, watching as shock crosses over the colorful Steve's face, soon replaced with a Grim determination. He looks to me, and nods. "What do I do?" He asks, voice layered with grief. Light Steve started speaking, probably telling Rainbow Steve what to do, and Rainbow Steve nodded, placing one hand on Sabre's forehead. Putting the other hand on Sabre's wrist, Rainbow Steve closed his eyes, and Light Steve kept on speaking. Rainbow Steve's hands started glowing a light blue color, and he grimaced a little bit. Galaxy and Void Steve just stood off to the side, watching, still in a shocked silence. Light Steve turned towards me and started signing. "He is in the process of waking Sabre. Unfortunately, in order to do this, Rainbow must enter his dream, or rather, Nightmare. And... well..." Light Steve trailed off, and I nodded, looking guiltily at Sabre. Sabre's nightmares normally were of the past, and the people who bullied us. I also felt bad for Rainbow Steve, he was just a Naive Steve who didn't like to see people hurt, and so the nightmares were probably hurting him. The blue light faded from Rainbow Steve's hands, and he removes them from Sabre, taking a step back. When Sabre's eyes didn't open, Rainbow Steve's face filled with painful sorrow. But suddenly...
Sabre's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up.

(Author's Note: CLIFFHANGER!!!! Also, SecretWarrior280 , wake up. The chapter is here, and you no longer need to Hibernate. What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter? I only have one thing to say now. PREPARE FOR ANGST!!!)

Word Count: 551

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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