And the Void Stares Back...

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(Sabre POV:) (Galaxy Steve is done, and up top!)
I watch as Nightmare wakes up, our eyes fluttering open once again, and squinting at the light coming through our window. "Why is it so BRIGHT?!?" He moaned, getting up. He walked out of our room, and went downstairs to greet the others. 'You a morning person, or no?' He asks me. 'Depends on the day.' I say vaguely. He shrugs mentally. I try closing off my mind a bit, and it works! I'm now more like a spectator than anything, able to think my own thoughts without him hearing. I watch as he greets the others. "Hey guys!" He says, semi cheerfully. Everyone perks up at... my voice? His voice? Idk. "Hey Sabre." Void Steve responds. I then get a chorus of 'Hi Sabre!'s that, in my opinion, is way to cheery to be in the morning. "Sabre, Rainbow Steve made pancakes. Don't forget to take your pills." Void Steve says, and I realize what he's trying to do. Nightmare must have noticed my realization, and questioned me. 'What's he talking about?' He asks. 'My Magic Suppressants. I told them about them after they found out about my powers.' I make up cleverly, and Nightmare seems to buy it. He nods, and eats the pancakes. 'Do you drink water with these, or no?' He asks me. 'No. They are the kind you crush with your teeth, and then drink something to wash down the dust.' I respond, hoping I was right. He takes the tube that the pills were in. 'How many?' He asks. 'A handful.' I respond. He takes out a handful of the colorful, almost M'n'M like pills, pops them in his mouth, and crushes them with his teeth. I feel his bald fade away from Control, and I wait a second, letting our body droop for a moment. Once I'm sure he was asleep, I take control. "Null." I say, and Void Steve instantly relaxes. Seeing this, the others do too. "Nice touch with the knockout pills. We're lucky I knew what you were doing, and made up a clever lie quickly. I told him it was 'Magic Suppressants', by the way." I say, and Rainbow beams still me. "So we were right! You did seem kinda off last night. You flinched when we hugged you!" Rainbow pouted, and I feel guilty. "That was him, Rainbow, not me, I promise! I love your hugs!" I say, trying to reassure him, and it works. "Now." Void Steve says, drawing all of our attentions. "We need to separate you two."

(Author's Note: 4 STORIES GOT A CHAPTER TODAY, I AM ON FIRE!!! Also, the pills were based on those mini M'n'M bottle things. Picture below:

Hope you enjoyed!)

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Hope you enjoyed!)

Word Count: 432

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