A Friend! And an Enemy...?

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Sabre's P.O.V

I just stood there, not entirely sure what to say. Then I decided on a simple 'What?' But before I could say anything, Galaxy Steve just jumped in out of nowhere, screaming "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS, YOU- YOU- JERKFACE!!!!" And swinging at Void Steve with a puffer fish. Void Steve just put out his hand in the universal sign for stop, and said "No. Back." And I think he confused Galaxy Steve so much, that he ACTUALLY took a step back. "Wait what????" Galaxy Steve asked, clearly confused. As much as I wanted him to not see my eyes, I knew that I needed to calm him down. So, I silently gathered up the courage to tap his shoulder. He turns around, his face going from his normal joyous self, to confusion, then looking a bit scared, which made me a little upset, and then settling on confused concern, though he still looked a bit apprehensive. "Sabre? Are you okay?" He asked, his voice quieter than normal. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks to, surprisingly enough, Void Steve." I responded, glancing at the dark cloaked Steve, who I had come to fear and, just a little bit, loathe. "WAIT WHAT!!" Galaxy yelled, doing a full one-eighty to face Void Steve. Void Steve just put his hands up in the classic 'I come in peace and will do no harm' sign. "Y-you helped Sabre? Why? Why help your enemy?" Galaxy Steve asked. "Yeah! Why would you HELP him?! You said he was evil!!" Rainbow Steve interjected, making everyone else jump, probably because we all forgot he was even there. "Yeah... I'm confused too..." I add. " Alright then. Do all of you want an explanation?" We all nod, and Void Steve continues. "Okay. Don't interrupt me. Anyways, to start, Rainbow, I lied. They aren't evil. As for why I helped you out, I don't like Nightmare much anyways." I nod, understanding that much. Nobody really liked Nightmare Steve. At all. "But why did you save me? You hate me. Right? Also, why the heck are you being so nice? Normally you would have killed one of us by now." I ask. "Oh, yeah. Forgot about that bit. But isn't it obvious?" I shake my head. "Huh. Well, I mean, it's always a good idea to help those who are more powerful than you, is it not?" I look up at him, feeling a bit panicked. Rainbow and Galaxy Steve slowly turn around, and I don't have to see their faces to know that they looked shocked and confused. I close my eyes and turn around before they can look at me. "Sabre..?" Rainbow Steve says. "I would like my Bandana back, Void Steve." I say, not responding to Rainbow Steve. "O-okay. Here." Void Steve says, handing me my Bandana. I take it, and I wrap it back over my eyes. I glance over my shoulder, taking one last look at them. "Thanks. But guys?" I say. "Yes Sabre?" Both Rainbow and Galaxy Steve ask at the same time. Void Steve stays silent.

"Don't come after me."
And then I left.

(Author's Note: Hehe~ I can't wait to write the rest! This is REALLY fun to write! I hope you guys are enjoying! I should probably go write for another story now. Maybe. Possibly. Idk. Sabre without his bandana is the picture above! And yes, I drew it. Bai now!)

Word Count: 522

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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