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I sit up, still a bit bleary eyed. I look around the room, and when I see Rainbow, Galaxy, and Void Steve, I feel a bit anxious, and knowing how I get when I am anxious, I give Lucas a warning glance, and he nods. He ushers everyone out of the room, and I try to talk, but my throat hurts. "Can I have some water please?" I sign at Light Steve, and he nods and goes to get me some water. Lucas comes over to me, and gives me a reassuring smile. "If you don't want to see them, that's fine. You don't have to, not yet." He says, and although I appreciate it, I know I can't hide anymore. I shake my head, and he nods. "When Light Steve gets back, I will let them in, Kay?" He asks, and I nod. We hear a knock st the door, and Lucas call out, "Come in!" And Light Steve comes in with a glass of water in hand. "Could you let in the others too?" Lucas asks Light Steve, and Light Steve nods, and looks over his shoulder, probably talking to Rainbow. Light Steve walks a bit further into the room, and Rainbow and the gang walk in. Galaxy Steve looks overjoyed to see me, Void looks kinda scared, and Rainbow just looks apprehensive. Light Steve gives me my water, and I drink it as slowly as I can, trying to stall for time. The water is gone too soon. I look up at my friends and sigh. "What do you want to know?" I ask, and they all look at each other. Lucas is still at my shoulder, and I sit up as much as I can. "Have you had powers this whole time?" Rainbow blurts our, and I nod. He looks shocked, and a little betrayed. Before he can even try to ask why I didn't use them to save us, I cut in. "The reason I didn't use them is because they would have drawn even more attention to us from the Evil Steves. Like we are getting from Nightmare now. Not to mention, they just wouldn't work sometimes. Like my flying? I couldn't until after the Rainbow Potion, it wouldn't work." I explain, and he looks somewhat content with my answer and reasons. Galaxy Steve asks, "Are you really stronger than Void Steve?" And I nod again. He just looks thoughtful. "Could you help me with my memories?" Before I can respond, Void Steve answers him. "No." I look at him, eyes asking for an explanation. "First, they aren't just your memories. They are mine too. Second, you didn't want them then. Why do you want them now? Third, they are with me. The reason why? I AM you. Or, rather, the part of you that you didn't want. You created me to make the difficult decisions, and I have done that." Galaxy Steve looks at Void like he is a crazy person, and then Void offers his hand to Galaxy Steve. "You wanna remember so bad? I can give you the memories back. I was just holding them for you." Void Steve says, and Galaxy Steve hesitantly takes Void's hand. His eyes widen, and Void just stands there. Galaxy Steve yanks his hand back, and just stares into space. Rainbow's eyes light up, and he asks me "What kind of powers do you have?" I scratch my head. "That.... is a tough question. It depends on the situation, my emotions..." I trail off, and he nods. "Right now, if so were to just use my powers on a whim, it would probably be Ice, Water, flight, and maybe fireballs. And my eyes would glow, and appearance change, depending on how much power I use." I finish, causing Rainbow's eyes to light up again, and Galaxy Steve's head to whip around to look at me. Void Steve tries to look mildly interested, but fails, and looks really exited at the prospect of my powers. I sigh inwardly, knowing the coming question. "Can you show us?!" Rainbow and Galaxy Steve ask at the same time, and then just look at each other for a minute, silent. And then they burst into laughter. Void Steve clears his throat, getting their attention, and nods in my direction. They both look back at me with puppy dog eyes, and I can't refuse them. I sigh, and say "Okay, okay.... fine." I close my eyes, and focus on my powers. I feel them activate, and boy does it feel good. By the gasps in the room, I can guess that my hair changed. I hope my eyes didn't change again, and open them. They don't gasp again, so that's a good sign. I let my powers fade once more, and they gasp again, and I can just barely see enough of my hair to tell that it is back to normal. "THAT IS SO COOL!!!" Rainbow and Galaxy Steve yell at the same time again, and Void Steve was clearly thinking the same by how his eyes looked starry. Lucas just looks unfazed, and that clearly confuses the HECK out of everyone else in the room. ((Welp forgot Light Steve was here. Let's just say he reacted with everyone else, but it couldn't be heard due to his speaking issues, and Sabre wasn't really looking at him. It seems Light faded into the Shadows for most of the chapter. Oops.)) "Lucas? How come you aren't shocked that your best friend has magical abilities that nobody knew about?" Rainbow asks, and Lucas just shrugs. "I knew. I've always known." He responds simply, and Rainbow Steve looks ready to explode. I quickly intervene, saying, "We have been friends since we were kids, Rainbow. Back then, my powers.... I didn't have as much control as I do now. I hurt people. Accidentally, of course, but I hurt people all the same. Lucas was the only one who could help me get my magic under control, and even after I accidentally singed him a bit with a fireball, he stayed. So of course he would know. I asked him to not tell. For safety. All of our safety." Lucas nodded, and Rainbow calmed down a bit. Rainbow Steve looks at the others, and says, "I think that's about it for now. Right guys?" And everyone else nods. I smile, relieved that the interrogation was over. Lucas and Light Steve usher everyone else out of the room, claiming that I need to sleep. Lucas' head pops back into my room, and he throws my Bandana at me. I barely catch it, and yell after him. "GOOD NIGHT YOU BUTT!!" And he laughs, calling back, "NIGHT CHICKEN BOI!!" Making me laugh, and I get back under the covers, and get the best night's sleep I have had in years.

(Author's Note: WE HAVE REACHED IT!! FINALLY A BIT OF BACKSTORY!!! Also, more powers revealed! Lucas is a good friend. Light Steve disappeared, because I'm forgetful. Rainbow overreacts. Void tries to be chill, but fails. Galaxy Steve is surprisingly unsurprised. Lucas is just kinda there. Sabre is angst. And that isn't a typo. He IS angst. Have a lovely day, My Pups!)


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