Can it be done?

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(Sabre POV:)
I look at the finished machine, thankful that Nightmare is still knocked out. "Well, I think that should do it. Now we just need to lock me inside and turn it on." I say, and Void Steve nods. I take a step towards the machine, and suddenly feel Nightmare's presence as he wrestles control from me. He turns around, and looks at everyone. "Heh, you really thought you could get rid of me that easily?" He asks them, and they all freeze up. I take control back for a moment, looking at them pleadingly. "NULL! RUN GUYS, I CANT—" I shout, and then I'm shoved out of control again. They see my expression change, and they start running. 'Grrr! How dare you!!!' He shouts at me. 'Stop hurting my friends!' I shout back, and I luckily distracted him enough that Void was able to push us into the machine, and he locked us in. Nightmare tried to growl, but we're not able to move any more. "Sabre, get ready. This might hurt. Everyone else, back up, there's gonna be lightning." Void says, and everyone backs up as he flips the lever and runs away. Lighting strikes the machine mercilessly, and suddenly all I can see is black. 'What the...' I hear Nightmare say, and I slowly turn around, seeing him behind me. He turns around as well, and his eyes narrow as he spots me. 'Well well well, it seems you're still here... fine, looks like I'll just have to get rid of you~" He says menacingly, and then he lunges towards me, fire in his hands. I jump backwards, dodging his attack. He scowls, and spins around, his leg swinging towards mine in an attempt to trip me. I jump, and he suddenly tries to slap my face, his hand covered in fire. I duck, and he misses, loosing his balance. I punch him in the gut, and he doubles over for a moment, recovering quickly. He summons fireballs, and starts throwing them at me. I dodge a few of them, but one grazes my shoulder, causing me to slow down, and then another one hits me in the center of my chest, making me fall. He stands over me, and then crouches down, his hands going to my throat. 'Farewell, Sabre~!'

(Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait, I'm not dead! I just had a lot with school, and then vacation in New York, and then COVID-19, and then it all piled up, and I'm sorry!! Here, have my new Discord server as an apology. ALSO! Do you want this to be the end of the book, or for me to continue? Because that will effect what happens in the next chapter.)

Word Count: 386

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