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(Sabre's P.O.V:)
I'm still in the dang tube. I sigh, wondering what they were gonna do to me today. I notice that Dark Steve was making another tube beside the one I'm in, and I think 'Oh no, they got someone else!'. Th e tube is yellow, and I am confused for a bit, mostly because none of my friends that I was traveling with were yellow, but I eventually give up on figuring out who the tube is for. I hear something behind me, but I can't turn my head enough to see what it was. But judging by the sounds of glass breaking, I could only assume it was Shadow Steve making another tube behind me. I sigh, a bit more quietly, and go back to staring in front of me.

(Author's Note: A small transition for what is to come. Sorry for it being so short! What do you guys think Nightmare Steve is planning? {hint: look at Sabre's machine designs in the past.} Farewell for now, My Pups!)

Word Count: 133

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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