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(Lucas P.O.V:) (remember what I said? How this would only happen if something happened to Sabre? Well, hint hint wink wink for this chapter my friends.)

I wake up and look at my clock. It's only 12 am! Why in the heckles am I awake right now? I didn't have a nightmare, so why? I get the weird feeling I need to check on Sabre, ASP. My instincts were almost always right, so I decide to check on him. I get up and go to his room, and open the door a crack. I open it up a bit wider, and I see something that sends me into panic mode. Nightmare Steve was standing over Sabre, with one hand on his forehead. I go in, letting the door slam, and charge at Nightmare Steve. He looks up, and disappears. I nearly got whiplash as I looked about the room, trying to see if he had just moved, and when I was sure he wasn't there anymore, I go to Sabre. He looks like he is having a nightmare, his skin is pale, and his forehead is beaded with sweat. He twitches in his sleep, and suddenly his arms fly up, and he whimpers. Then I realize. This isn't a Nightmare. No, it was much worse. Sabre was having a Panic Attack in his sleep. He hadn't had one of these since we were kids, but I knew exactly what to do. He was probably in the middle of a Night Terror too, when the Attack started. Out of pure instinct, and having done this many times before, I pin down his arms so he didn't hurt himself. I look around the room for something to restrain him with, and then I remember the rope we had both agreed to put in the room just in case this happened again. I let go of him for a moment, then go to his bedside dresser, and open the bottom drawer. I take out the silk rope, and tie it around him, pinning his arms to his sides. I pull the blanket that he had thrown off of himself back over him, and go to get a wet cloth for his face. Once I get that, I go back, grabbing a chair for me on the way. Once I am in his room again, I put the cloth over his forehead, and sit down in the chair.
This was going to be a long night.

(Author's Note: I have no clue how to write panic attacks. I apologize if I got anything wrong, it's just what seemed the best for this scene. Also, @SecretWarrior280 your prayers have been answered my friend. Thank you for the support! I hope all of you enjoyed, I might write another chapter, who knows. Not Me! Bai for now, My Little Pups!)

Word Count: 412

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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