A True Nightmare

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(Sabre P.O.V:)

The look on Void Steve's face... well, I wouldn't grace it with a description... Void Steve just looked at me, fear in his eyes. "You got what you wanted. Now leave him alone." I stated calmly, not a quiver in my voice. Void Steve, seemingly forgetting that he was still flying above Rainbow Steve with a black orb of light in hand, looked down, and up at the orb in shock, and then let the weird black light dissipate, floating back down to the ground. Rainbow Steve looked up, probably wondering what in the entire world could have made Void Steve stop and look so afraid. Then. Then I know he saw, because his eyes widened to the size of diner plates. "S-Sabre? Your eyes..." he trailed off, looking at my eyes. "Yep. Those are my eyes." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. Suddenly, his eyes somehow widen even more, and he looks terrified. I turn around, knowing that look meant trouble was near, as I have seen it many times before. But what I see shocks me so much, I nearly fall over. It was Nightmare Steve.
"N-no! You... you were dead! I KILLED YOU! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?!" I shout, my gaze burning into his. "Because, Sabre." He said, much to my shock, because I thought he couldn't talk. "It takes more than a stone sword to kill the King of Nightmares." I mentally slap myself, of course it took more than that! And I was actually stupid and arrogant enough to think (while writing this I accidentally wrote 'thonk'. Enjoy knowing that. On with the story!) that I could kill him THAT easily. 'STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!' I berated myself in my head. Then, I realized something else. Why didn't he seem shocked to see my eyes? It is all I can do to look at him, silent. I hear Rainbow Steve starting to hyperventilate, and out of habit, I say, "Breathe Rainbow. Breathe." He sucks in a deep breath and then makes the same stupid noise he always did when he mimicked taking a deep breath. I would have smiled at his antics, if Nightmare Steve hadn't been my main concern at the moment. "What do you want? You've left us alone thus far, so why appear now?" I ask cautiously, somewhat dreading the response. At my words, his red eyes glow, just a little bit, and he suddenly appears behind me. "Well, Sabre. I want..." he said as he grabbed my wrist. "You." His grip tightens, but then loosens suddenly. I look at him, just to see that Void Steve has got him in a choke hold. Nightmare Steve's hand lets go of me, and goes to his throat, trying to make Void Steve let go of him. "Well, you know what I want? I want you to leave Sabre, Rainbow, and I alone. Now, I'm going to let you go, but if you come back, I will destroy you PERSONALLY. Understood?" Void Steve said, shocking the general crowd around us. Aka, Rainbow Steve, Myself, and Nightmare Steve. Nightmare Steve nods as much as he can, what with being in a choke hold and all. Void Steve let's him go, and Nightmare Steve disappears almost immediately. I look at Void Steve, shocked. He looks back at me, and flinches a little bit as he looks at my eyes.
"Sabre, I'm sorry."

(Author's Note: Once again, this was a lot of fun to write! I wrote this as I am waiting to run at my Cross Country Meet, it's the last one. Wish me luck!)

Word Count: 572

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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