The End.

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(Sabre's POV:)
I flip us over so that I'm on top and he's below me, letting my power activate, summoning frost over my hands and going for his throat before he can stop me. He chokes, and I growl into his ear. 'Either leave right now, or I'll kill you.' I say, and he nods, eyes wide, fading from my Mindscape as it grows brighter. Suddenly, I see everyone, and smile, back to normal. They see this and let me out of the Machine, all of them except for Void hugging me, and I hug back. Once all the hugging is done I smile, and look at Void, nodding at him to show my thanks, and he nods back. "Remember, we still have Nightmare to deal with. Don't celebrate yet." He warns, and Galaxy scoffs. "Okay, Penny Dreadful." Rainbow roles his eyes at them. "Silence to thee and Silence to thee, focus on issues or Focus on me." Is all he days, and Void smiles, Galaxy chuckling softly as he backs off. I smile, happy that everything was finally fixed.

Eventually, we trapped Nightmare in a cave deep below ground, surrounded by water. We visit him though.

Void got along with everyone.

We remade the Rainbow Town together, and grew the population tenfold!

So... I guess you could say...

We finally got our happily ever after.

(Author's Note: Thats the end folks! Thank you for sticking with me through this crazy ride, and sorry for the slow and random updates. Remember, if you want to talk about this book, head onto the discord server I made! It's for all of my books after all! I've decided to also start up a Sanders Sides book, you'll see when I make it. So Fanders, be happy. You finally got me XD)

Word Count: 226

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