Final Test

882 36 59

(Sabre's P.O.V:)
Still in the tube. But something was different. Something was not as it once was. Dark and Shadow Steve looked at me weirdly, and Nightmare Steve just looked anxious, as if something big was about to happen. Dark Steve went to the main panel, and Shadow Steve was somewhere behind me. Nightmare Steve went up to Dark Steve, and they seemed to be talking about something, but I couldn't hear them. Then Nightmare Steve went up to my tube, still talking. He looked back at Dark Steve, and then nodded, and went into the other tube, much to my surprise. The hands came out and scanned him, and the hands came out in my tube too. They came down, poking and prodding at me once again. Nightmare Steve didn't get poked, just scanned. Once it seemed the hands were done with me, scanners came and scanned every inch of my body again. Then they all went back into the compartment they came from, and the tube began to fill up with the liquid again, and it did the same for Nightmare Steve. He just closed his eyes, looking calm. I begin to panic. Why is he being calm? I've never seen him be calm! Dark Steve's mouth moved, and Nightmare Steve nodded, still calm. Dark Steve presses a button, and I begin to feel strange, like every particle in my body was being torn apart and rearranged. My eyes glow, and I can feel my magic being drained away from me, almost like it's being taken away. I glance once more at Nightmare Steve, and... He's Glowing! A strange blue light is all around him. I feel like I'm dissolving, almost, and I close my eyes and grit my teeth from the pain. I look down at my hands, and they look like they are disappearing. I glance over at Nightmare Steve once more, and He is disappearing too. I feel faint, and I realize that I cant feel my legs anymore. 'Is this what death feels like?' I wonder, but before I can think anything else...
I fall into darkness.

(Author's Note: Can you guess now? Poor Sabre, I'm putting him through terrible things. Next up will be even worse though. Oh well, let's hope he doesn't break, Shall We?)

Word Count: 353

If you want to submit some art, it will be featured in the next, or even this chapter!

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