10-Listening to Twice

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Midoriya wandered the area of his small room, finding himself restless. Most of the other villains have gone to sleep; he can't bring himself to though, despite his heavy eyelids.

Izuku's father walked into the young boy's room. "Hey, just- checking up on you," he says.

Midoriya lifts his head, looking up to his father's masked face, he feels so small and weak compared to him. "Um. Hello, father," he frowns and his head drops again.

It's silent for a moment. Then All For One speaks. "Have you taken you're medicine yet?"

Midoriya gasps, his eyes wide as he stares at the floor, his father can't see from his angle.


He lied.


"Um, can I ask you something, actually?," the boy lifts his head bravely, he sees his father already half turned to leave the room as if that was the only thing he needed. He nods, promting Izuku to continue.

"Do I really need to take those pills anymore? It's been a few months hasn't it? My- ..my body doesn't hurt anymore... and my amnesia is..gone..." He begins to feel unsure as he talks, slowing down each word.

Behind his mask, his father frowns. "No. You'll still take them daily. It's less of a risk that way."

"To what? Who?," he doesn't mean for these questions to leave his mouth but they did.

His father disn't answer though. It was silent, Midoriya stared, afraid as his father did so with anger.

"Does it matter Izuku? I told you to do it." All the love and care that was in his voice since the day Izuku woke up here left. His tone was demanding, selfish and threatening. The change made Izuku jump in his skin and gasp.

His father left and the boy cried for almost an hour before calming down and begining to think.

He looks at the small container on his bedside table, I still haven't taken my pills for the night..

He narrows his eyes, the faces of everyone at the USJ burned into his brain, he walks over and grabs the small bottle. He turns it round, there's no labeling or prescription anywhere in sight, which is a bit uneasing to Midoriya.

Quietly, he pops off the white lid and looks inside. It's about half full, golden yellow pills shining under his room light. He looks at it, a bit afraid, a bit disgusted, he's been pushing these down his throat for months, without question.

He stepped over to the bathroom, and turned the capsule till one by one the pills fell to the water of the toilet basin. "Does it matter Izuku? I told you to do it." He narrows his eyes with low brows, he feels- guilt, or fear, sadness?

He lifted his shaky hand and flushed the kamode, the water went away, along witht the pills.

Enough is enough, he had thought, what is there in life if you can't trust in the things that you've been told by those closest to you? There's nothing. So he has to be sure. And the thing that confused him most were the pills, he'd never been told why he was taking them, so maybe its best he doesn't.


The next morning Shigaraki came into his room and woke him up. "Hey, Midoriya," he smiled softly.

"Tomura," he mumbled.

As he got up and they walked to get breakfast, Midoriya decided he would pay more attention to the things people said. And how they were saying it. It would be he best thing too, to figure out if he truely belonged there. Throughout the whole day, too, there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach, one he couldn't get rid of no matter how much he wished for it to. He hoped it was just something he ate.

In the afternoon, he took a break and sat on the couch next to Twice with a deep sigh.

"Heyya, kid! You look off- nah, ya look fine! You doin' okay?" Twice said, overly energetic and not making sense.

Midoriya raised his brow and tilted his head, talking to Twice was always confusing. It's better to just listen to the last thing he says, he had figured out. "I.. I've just had a stomache ache all day. I'll be fine."

"Can I get ya anything? Sucks for you! You've always been so nice to us all- not really!"

Midoriya turned his head, not in shock or too quickly at all, just, confused, he was searching to figure out what that had meant. 'Not really.' "Um. I'm fine." He wasn't. "I could maybe use some water, though."

"Ugh, really? Okay!" He jumped up and went to the kitchen, leaving Izuku alone to think.

He realized that it was most likely nonsense, listening to Twice that is. But maybe listening to his nonsense was the best idea for the time being, he's more likely than any of the others to let something slip. He wanted that chance.

Every time he thought about his friends and family actually hiding things from him, it made his stomache twist. His chest sank with guilt to even be suspecting them but he had good enough reason to, as bad as it made him feel.

Twice wandered back into the room with a glass of water and handed it to him. Midoriya took it and sipped from the glass before setting it on the coffee table in front od them. "Hey, twice?," he asked, getting his attention.


Would he tell dad if I asked weird questions, he worried, and Twice probably would. "..what do you think of me?" He wanted to ask more all at once, but knew that the questions sounded strange. So he left it at that.

"You're great now! We didn't used to get along! We've been together forever❤! You're against us! I love ya kid!"

Just as he should've expected, he had to figure out which parts of his rambling to listen to. There wasn't much to decide though, he already knew what he was focusing on. 'We didn't used to get along.' 'You're against us.' The words echoed and repeated. The phrasing just felt so off.

"What side do you think I'm on..?" He mumbled it quietly, didn't even mean to say it really.

But what made him incredibly uneasy: Twice didn't respond. For the first time since he woke up all those weeks ago, Twice was quiet, and he had definately heard him for he was staring intensely.

His stare quickly made Midoriya nervous, he looked away and started rambling. "Ah, I didn't mean- we'll, I was just asking because you. I didn't mean anything by it! I was just-! Confused and.."

His reaction was delayed, still staring for a minute. "That's cool beans, Midoriya! I don't give a crap about that! It's all good!"

"Okay,.." Midoriya sighed, still worried and nervous, Twice seemed fine now but because he saw him go quiet, it didn't feel right. A silence quickly fell between the two of them and left an uncomfortable feeling in the air.

The uneasiness in the atmosphere didn't last long as the two of them were called to the dining room by Tomura. They both got up and walked one behind the other across the building.

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