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the next few day i hung around with the boys in the hospital as they visited you. that day, they all asked me why am i not going in. but i didn't answer. i know they asked you the same thing, but you didn't answer. well, which was pretty fair enough.

as me and jungkook were sitting, his head on my shoulder, a person started walking up to us. the loud clicking of someone's high heels echoed through the whole hospital. i looked to the person and my heart fell to the floor.

'where is he? where the fuck is he?'

i stared at the woman that stood in front of us, franticly yelling and searching for someone. her facial features were so familiar to me but i couldn't put my finger on it. it looked as she just got from some meeting, her pencil skirt right to her knees, matching with a blazer that she wore over some blouse. she ran her fingers through her short hair, indicating that she was very stressed.

'why the fuck is no one telling me where he is?' she was now yelling at everyone in the hospital, but no one knew why she was here.

'what is happening?' jungkook whispered slightly, but i just shrugged and grabbed his hand and started rubbing it slightly.

'i'm sorry miss but who are you looking for?' seokjin stood up and walked to the panicked woman.

'my nephew. yoongi. min yoongi. he must be here somewhere i know that'

i looked at the woman again as she turned to look at all of us and i could swear that i saw her somewhere but i couldn't think of it. her eyes met mine and it seemed as if she recognized me, or maybe it was a reach.

'you're hyungs aunt?' hoseok asked. 'i'm going to tell him that you came.'

'no! i want to surprise him!' she exclaimed. hoseok just nodded and opened the door, informing you that you have a visitor. soon enough he came outside and told the aunt to come inside.

'whew, didn't know yoongi had an aunt' taehyung said to jimin. 'especially an aunt that cares about him this much'

'yeah, me neither. he never really talked about her, nor has she ever visited him'

'get the fuck out!'

'huh?' the boys said in unision as they heard yelling from your room. they instantly stood up and ran inside, so did me and jungkook.

'what is happening here?'

'tell her to fucking leave! i don't want to look at her! tell her to leave! please!' you were screaming in pain.

the woman was now crying and for some reason i felt pity for her.

'i think you should leave ma'am' seokjin softly took her hand and guided the crying woman outside. the rest of us were awkwardly standing in your room as namjoon and hoseok were helping you sit straight.

soon enough, there could be heard even more clicking of heels.

'yoongi! yoongi! where is my baby!'

taehyung groaned in annoyance. 'she's here too?' he looked at me while i just shrugged. i really didn't care anymore.

she came into your room and pushed past us, like we never existed and ran up to you, kissing you on the lips. honestly, i felt disgusted, but i watched anyways.

'baby, how are you? are you okay?' she barely said between the kisses. you could hear multiple groans and sighs from the room.

'i'm okay, i really am'

'you better be, baby'

'could this get any worse?' i muttered.

'you said something?' she asked me with annoyance. 'nope, nothing. was just talking to jungkook here, right?' he nodded as he smirked.

'let's leave these two alone...'

hoseok pushed all of us outside your room. i was angry at myself, my heart burning at the fact that i'm not the one who is taking care of you. who is not giving all my love to you.

'you seem like you're pretty in thought, are you okay?'


jungkook chuckled. 'i said that you seem like you're pretty in thought babe'

i blushed at the pet name. my eyes trailed over his hair. 'your hair...'

'what about it?' he looked at me with a questionable look.

'it's growing'

he frowned. 'oh... so you don't like it? i can get a haircut if you want to!' i awed. i put my hand onto his cheek and caressed it softly while smiling at him.

'i love it jungkook, i hope you grow it out even longer! i want to see you in a man bun!' i told him with excitment. his eyes lit up and a smile grew on his adorable face.

'you do?'

'yes! then the both of us can braid each others hair, wouldn't that be cool?'

he was about to say something but a cough interrupted us. we turned our heads to be met with your aunt looking at us.

i looked at her a little bit better, analyzing her face. and it felt as if a lightbulb was lit over my head.

'you...' i whispered, pointing at her.

'me?' she seemed surprised as she looked around the place. 'what about me?'

'i know you... you... you were there that night!'

i stood up and walked towards her. jungkook took my hand and grabbed me towards himself, pulling me into his arms. 'are you sure you know her, sun?'

'she was there the night i almost got raped!' my voice boomed through the waiting room as medical sisters that passed gave me weird glances. the woman's eyes widened once again as i tried to pull away from jungkook's hold.

'you were there that night! you saved me...'

'what in the world are you talking about?' she asked me nervously. 'i don't know anyone, i don't know what you are talking about...'

'no... you know it... you were there, i remember you! please!' i cried out.

'sun...' jungkook pulled me into a hug. i cried into his arms. 'jungkook... i thought i could finally get him... but i swear i saw her that night.. i'm not lying... please'

'i'm so sorry baby, i really am' he rubbed my back slowly. 'i will help you get justice for what happened that night.. i promise i will'

and maybe it was the fact that i felt loved at the moment or the fact it was the way he said it, but i trusted him with my everything.

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