Chapter 10: Monolith Code

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Leo: "Wait... Really?"

Ryuga: "Yessir, Tatsuya nominated us for the Monolith Code."

The three now competitors were sitting in Ryuga and Tatsuya's shared room, talking about the event. 

Leo: "Well no choice, I guess. We're gonna have to kick some butts."

Ryuga: "Yeah, but the problem is, I can't use physical attacks in this competition. That's basically all I'm good at."

Leo: "That's going to be a problem."

Ryuga: "If I can get close enough behind them, I can probably immobilize them by cutting off some of the oxygen circulation to their brain."

Leo: "Wait a moment, can you actually do that?"

Ryuga: "Yeah."

Leo: "Is that even allowed?"

Ryuga: "I didn't hear anything in the rules about manipulating oxygen, did you, Tatsuya?"

Tatsuya: "I've never heard of that in the rules, so you're good to go. Then with that, let's talk about formation. If Ryuga is, in sense, going to be assassinating them, it will only work for the first couple of matches. I am willing to bet that Cardinal George would catch on to it before we face them. In that case, we'll have to switch our strategy after the second match, worst case, after the first."

Ryuga: "Fair enough, so what's the strategy, boss?"

Tatsuya: "Leo will be on defense, I will distract them, and you'll assassinate the farthest back one. If you can, type in the code also."

Leo: "Okay, but what exactly does a defender do?"

Tatsuya: "Make sure no one gets close enough to type our code in. Also, try not to get baited away from the Monolith."

Leo: "Okay, I can do that, but, like Ryuga, I can't do much without physical attacks."

Tatsuya opened a case and pulled out a weird looking weapon. This was the "toy" weapon that he and Leo tested out. It would, in theory, hurl a mass at the enemy, but it had a limited range. Leo said that it felt like a really long sword, making it easier to understand.

Tatsuya: "You'll use this." Leo grabbed it. "Physical attacks without the use of magic are off-limits, but no one said anything about using a spell to hurl a mass at the enemy."

Leo: "I like the way you think."

Tatsuya: "Well then, let's talk about the map and strategy we'll use for it."


The Viper Team, as Leo called it, were on the map for the first match of the day. The map consisted of a pretty thick forest with vines and tall enough trees for strategic ambushes. Their first opponents were three from Eighth High. They were in front of their Monolith, getting ready for the match. Tatsuya adjusted his CAD cuffs; Ryuga stretched his legs and wrists, and Leo cracked his neck with a grin plastered on his face. Everyone was watching, even the enemies from Third High.

A loud buzz made it to the ears of the contestants, and Ryuga ran so quickly he seemed to disappear into the forest. Tatsuya soon ran off also, and Leo gripped his weapon and readied for any attack that may come. 

Tatsuya was running through the forest, near the enemy Monolith, when someone shot at him. He stealthy bobbed and weaved through the trees to get away from them. Out of a bush, he jumped and shot under the enemy's feet. The shock caused the enemy to fall, and Tatsuya ran past him. When the enemy was about to fire at Tatsuya, he felt his consciousness falter, and he fainted. Ryuga was shown behind the enemy with his fingers extended near the head but not touching it. Another enemy appeared out of the forest and charged up a spell to shoot Ryuga; however, Ryuga dispelled it. Whilst the enemy was in a state of confusion, Tatsuya shot him, and Ryuga ran to the Monolith.

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