Horan Love

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I screamed the minute i found out my biggest dream was about to become a reality. Was I dreaming?? Nope. Was i being punked?? Don't think so. After all the ticket hunting, twitter stalking, and contest entering I've finally won tickets to see One Direction with My best friends Brianna and Caitlyn! What was I going to where?? What songs were they going to sing?? What do they smell like? A million thoughts all racing through my head as I pictured the concert. I'm a Niall girl. Niall occupies almost 90% of my daily thoughts and those blues eyes of his make me smile.  I know, just another directioner who has a crush on Niall Horan, what else is new? I wanna say that this is more then just a crush but I don't want to sound like one of those cliche girls in a fan fic. Besides there's seven billion people in this world, probably two thirds of them are woman, why the hell would Niall pick me?


Even after being yelled at by my some weirdo who can't drive and be bullied by The girl who thinks she's better then everyone else at everything, and having to listen to my sister ramble on and on about her boyfriend issues nothing can shake my happiness. All my thoughts are about me meeting My future lover Niall Horan falling in love with me. I knew in the back of my mind that Niall would not be falling in love with me but I just didn't want to believe it. Ever since I saw One Direction on the XFactor I've been inspired to be myself, take risks and follow my dreams. One Direction literally saved my life. No not in that cliche way you're thinking I mean genuinly. All through high school I was depressed and bullied. I tried twice to kill myself but every time something went stopped me. When i saw One Direction and heard their story I realized life isn't something to be taken for granted because great things can happen. I just want to meet them and tell them what they did for me.


"Hey Brianna, what songs do you think there going to sing at the concert tonight?" I asked Brianna. Brianna is another person there for me when no one else was. My family is... a long story. But Brianna is someone who I can tell any and everything to.

"I hope they sing Save You Tonight, Moments, Little Things, Live While Were Young, One Thing, Up All Night, What Makes You Beautiful, and More Than This but whatever they sing is going to be amazing ."

"I wonder if there nice, they look so nice on tv and in interviews but I wonder what there really like."

"Oh come on Liv! Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry aren't a group of pretentious liars, there just five sweet guys who had a dream and made it happen. I think there exactly how they look on tv."

"True, but I wonder what there eyes look like up close. Do you think they shine has much as they do in pictures?"

"Duhhh! Girl your just full of questions today! Anyway more importantly we have to pick out the cutest and coolest outfits for the concert! Cause if they do notice us we have to look totally drop dead amazing."

"Bri, I'm wayy ahead of you, I've got outfits for the three of us all picked out. Here I'll show you yours and mine. I'll show Caitlyn's as soon as she gets here."

"Great, lets see!" "Okay, Bri this is what I picked out for you. "

[Brianna, Liv and Caitlyn's outfits on the side] "Oh my gosh, Liv it's perfect! That skirt is soo cute and I love the coach purse and all the makeup you paired with it."

"Thanks, I designed it with you in mined haha, here's my outfit." "Oh my gosh Liv, your going to look soo amazing! Were did you get those awesome pants?!"

"I ordered everything online, an occasion like this calls for new clothes."

"You've got that right, oh Caityln is here common lets go see her!"

We met Caitlyn in my driveway and quickly brought her into the house, I was soo excited for her to see the amazing outfit I had picked out for her.

"Caityln, prepare to be amazed, Liv picked out the most gorgeous outfit for me and herself and I know yours is going to be soo pretty as well."

"I can't wait to see it." Said Caitlyn excitedly. We did our makeup and got dolled up for the best nights of our lives

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Another shoutout to Brianna Chere and Caitlyn Belforie love you guys <3

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