chapter 1

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I wandered around foodcourtia muttering to myself. I wasn't planning on going anywhere in particular. I held a large coffee cup in my grip since it helped me calm down.

I was the tallest Zimbite. Like the Irkens we voted for our rulers based on hight. Unlike most who would have been proud at becoming the almighty tallest I only felt annoyance.

I never wanted to be the tallest, I protested at every turn, I only wanted to be a scientist, was that to much to ask?

They wanted to change everthing about me including the way I dressed. Through a lot of fighting and protesting I managed to convince them to let me stick to my original outfit.

Which consisted of my trenchcoat, combat boots, black tights and my puprle shirt. If they wanted to complain they could take their complaints to the trashcan

I already had to deal with responsibilities and I actually had to put effort into being the tallest

The zimbites constantly complained and demanded more snacks, plus the few who decided to remain invaders after I told them to do whatever they wanted wouldn't shut up about supplies  and wanting a planet to invade

"I didn't ask to be the Tallest, stupid responsibilities haunting me." I grumbled before my legs were hit by something sending me stumbling backwards before falling and hitting the ground my coffee cup flying out of my hands for a moment I mourned my coffee before getting angry

I was tempted to kill who ever hit me as I slowly got up from the ground rubbing my head as I did so, but upon seeing a zimbite dressed like an Irken and covered in what looked like grease, I reconsidered my options, mostly because I was to confused to really form any thoughts

"HEY! HOW DARE YOU BLOCK THE RUNNING PATH OF MEEP!...Wait you are a long one, oh great Tallest, Meep requires your assistance!" Why was this tiny Zimbite shouting at me?

"Wait what? I'm so confused right now...What exactly do you need help with?" I asked, but instead of answering she hid behind me, using my trenchcoat to hide herself.

I was still confused, but when I saw a large Irken charging towards us, I understood what was happening, I didn't like it, but I understood.

"Make him leave! And it's none of Meeps concern how you do it!"

Right, okay, help, make him leave. How the hell do I do that? He looked like he could rip me in half!

"Stop!" I shouted happy that my voice didn't crack. I held my hand up hoping he wouldn't tackle me to the ground, luckily for me he stopped.

"Why are you chasing a Zimbite?" I asked trying to look intimidating and like a leader, in reality I probably looked like a scared smeet

"She's trying to escape banishment!" I frowned and glanced at the Zimbite, she was trying to look as innocent as possible, she was failing, but at least she was trying.

I gulped, before turning back to the Irken not sure what to do next.

"Well...did the tallest Zimbite banish her here?" I was hoping he said no so I could baffle him with my bullshit.

"Well no." He said sounding unsure as he rubbed his neck looking awkward

"So she shouldn't even be here." Okay this was going good, I just had to convince him it will be okay if she escaped after that I didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Yeah, but the Tallest Irkens sent her here. " Danm it, why couldn't this have been easy?

"Well how long was she on Irk? Was she even a real citizen?" I really hope this works

"She was banished here after 3 days." I blinked in suprise

"Wow, that is suprising, you'd think it will take longer to banish someone."

"She was destructive." I chose to ignore him.

"Since she was never a citizen of Irk, I'll be taking my leave and she will be joining me."

"HA! YOUR BACKSIDE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY SCORCHED!" What was it with her and screaming?

"You mean burn, but close enough, let's go you tiny thing." I said quickly grabbing her as I made a run for it back to my ship.

Doing this with a friend of mine, you should check her out, she's amazing

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Doing this with a friend of mine, you should check her out, she's amazing


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