chapter 2

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This was a mistake

My ship was made for one thing, Comfort.

It had a secret compartment that consisted of a bed covered in pillows, not that I needed sleep, but I enjoyed it, the next was a kitchen, the fridge was filled with my favorite foods and I even had a coffee machine.

My ship was not made for a hyperactive Zimbite named Meep who seemed to be incapable of sitting still and any attempt of getting her to not touch the equipment and buttons was met with resistance

"Do you want me drop you off anywhere specific? And safe?" As annoying as she was I still wanted to make sure to leave her somewhere safe, possibly our home planet, but I was sure that would lead to disaster, so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea

"Earth! It's where all the elite invaders get sent! Also Earth has a creature known as a feline. It mainly rests, indulges itself with the finest cuisine and repeats the process until it becomes fat and immobile. They have hoomans that bend to their every will! MEEP NEEDS SUCH PAMPERING!"

I flinched away from her unhappy with the shouting right next to my face and I highly doubted her knowledge of the Earth Feline, wait Earth, isn't that where the Irkens send Zim to die?

"Are you sure you want to go to Earth?" I asked worried for her safety, she was a Zimbite after all and therefore unfortunate my responsibility

"Affirmative, we will be very much safe since the hoomans are backward simions. Felines are the dominant species after all even though they are plump fur babies."

Did she say we? Does she think I'll go with her to Earth? I mean it was appealing, if I went to earth I wouldn't be the Tallest anymore and TV told me the humans were actually a scientific species, I've watched multiple documentaries the humans made Earth some of which I learned was called 'Anime'

"Are you sure?" I asked again dragging out the words hoping she'll get the hint and change her mind, as scientific as the humans were their sometimes known to kill other humans which I found to be primitive and dangerous, plus the planet was filled with germs


She was clearly insane to reason with her, but lying was an option

"The Irkens sent Invader Zim there so we need their permission." It wasn't a complete lie if we just showed up, he might attack us thinking we were trying to steal his mission.

Irken Invaders weren't always kind to Zimbites since they had the crazy idea they were the superior race

"Invader zim? Invader ZIM?! The all mighty Zim? He is the best invader to ever live! He is an inspiration to all short invaders like Meep." She looked very proud of herself as she said her little speech, which wasn't even remotely correct.

Zim wasn't even a real Invader and he was one of the biggest threats to Irk, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I said nothing, she on the other hand decided she still had more to say, she didn't stop talking until we reached the Irkens armada


"Meep demands to be taken to Earth! Demands it!" Meep shouted as soon as she saw red and purple who looked disgusted upon seeing her, much like the other Irkens in the ship did, that and fear.

I did for a moment wonder what she did to be feared and treated like the scum of the universe, but decided it wasn't important so I didn't ask

"Does she calm down?" Purple asked me while pointing at her, deciding she wasn't worth his time since she was short so ignored her

"Nope, she just gets progressively louder so I suggest giving her what she wants." I said glaring at him annoyed with his behavior, just because we were friends didn't mean I liked him being rude to everyone shorter than him

"Please." Meep said either in an attempt to be respectful to a Tallest or trying to act innocent to increase her chances of getting what she wanted

"Yeah, sure why not?" Purple said clearly not interested, he probably thought it was the best way to get rid of her like with what he and Red did with Zim

"As long as you go with to keep an eye on her." Red said out of nowhere grinning at me

"Meep hopped around and smiled sweetly which was weird because usually when she smiled it was for the wrong reasons, like when she was about to destroy something

"Does Meep receive a S.I.R?" We ignored her for now

"You want me to go to Earth?" I asked affronted, I did consider going, but now that he was telling me to go I didn't like the idea so much

"With Meep and Zim?" Red grinned looking pleased that he was causing me distress.

I started to do quick math in my hand, if I go to earth I won't have to be the Tallest anymore, I won't have any more responsibilities, but then again Meep would be there and Zim, they can make life difficult on the overgrown rock, but it was my dream to become a scientist and TV told me earth was filled with scientists, but if I go to earth it will make Red happy

Screw it. I wanted to be a scientist

"Meep has spoken! Will Meep receive a S.I.R?" Meep shouted jumping where she stood

"No." Red and Purple said at the same time looking unamused

"B-but...Whom will I bark orders at?" She said not looking az excited as she did before

"You can have a Miz-bot." I suggested in an attempt to cheer her up, I created Miz-bots to help Zimbites, invader or not, but for some strange reason no one seemed to want one

"It's a Miz-bot...Meep must decline this offer since they are highly disturbing, also the hologram technology just makes things worse. Meep means this in the nicest way possible." She said this with a forced angelic smile

I held my hand up to my chest feeling insulted, the Miz-bots looked exactly like me, how can someone not like looking at my face? And disturbing? My Miz-bots were devilishly handsome just like me, but I kept my mouth shut trying to ignore Red and Purple who were trying not to laugh

"Let's just go." I muttered annoyed pouting because of their less then ideal treatment

"But, What about Meep's S.I.R?!" Meep screeched as I started to drag her back towards my ship

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