chapter 12

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The hooman stared at Meep for some time as she twiddled with the key chain.

"Key chain." Meep mumbled as she stared wide eyed at the shiny gooey substance within the interior of the keychain.

She giggled and shoved it in Melvin's face so he could behold its absolute majesty.

"It sure is pretty." The hooman said with a cheery tone. He then proceeded to eat food from a tube. He offered Meep some and of course she accepted, it turned out to be quite tasty.

Melvin than burst out laughing pointing at her

"Moustache!" He squeaked out still laughing

"What? Moo-stache? Meep does not get it." He giggled before squirting some of the food contained in the tube onto his upper lip

"See? It looks like this." He started laughing again, Meep started laughing along as he looked ridiculous.

A skool 'teacher' as they are called, interrupted our joyous laughter to inform us we hsd to go back to 'class'.

Oh right, Meep has forgotten, she was still at school...goodie.

Thr teacher made us leave our spot and we were once again stuck in class.

The scary teacher lady barked at the children in my class, asking them what they want to be when they grow up.

One child wishes to be a 'veterinarian' the other wishes to be a president, Melvin of course shouted out

"WHEN I GROW UP, I WANNA BE AN ASTRONAUT!" The scary teacher lady responded with her tale of impending doom, Meep liked it, especially the part with the ship exploding.

The large headed child who hands around Miz, whom is also the mortal enemy of big brother Zim mumbled something about being a paranormal investigator, whatever that is and big brother Zim wanted to be the leader of the hoomans.

Afterwards the scary teacher lady gave us pages we had to fill in. She showed us a machine which could tell you your future career.

She also said it can never be wrong, so that was frightening, but the most frightening part was when we had to start writing. Meep didn't know how.

She panicked and scribbled on the lines hoping they meant something.

The scary teacher lady screeched at us that out time has run out and she fed the machine our pages.

Meeps future job was apparently demolition expert. Meep was proud. She stood on the desk and announced her victory.



I waited outside of Meeps class with Professor Membrane and a few other strange looking people.

It was career day at the school and now since I was the Professor's assistant as well as the head of the space department, I was forced to attend.

To make matters worse I had to baby sit whomever got the job of astronaut, while Professor had to take care of whomever got the job of being a scientist.

I heard loud shouting from Meep within the classroom so I walked in hoping she will be joining me for the day, but I got distracted when I saw the machine.

The device tells you what your perfect career would be. I grabbed on of the test sheets intending to have the machine tell me I'm a scientist.

"What are you doing." Professor Membrane asked while the kids went outside, some giving me strange looks.

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