Chapter 8

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Looking for cats for Meep wasn't how I was planning on spending my afternoon, but here I was, in a park chasing cats like a crazy person.

After a lot of running and quietly cursing at the cats, I finally caught one who I then promptly dropped when I saw Meep with a human not to far away.

They clearly weren't aware of my presence and I didn't want Meep to question me either so I decided to just go back home.

Meep will get rid of the boy soon enough so I wasn't worried about it.

I found Dib on my doorstep as soon as I got home. He seemed upset about something.

"What are you doing here?" He simply responded 'Zim' with an annoyed tone looking down at my doorstep like it personally insulted him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked with a tired sigh knowing his answer already wich consisted of him babbling about Zim who didn't have to attend 'parent teacher night'.

From what I could understand Zim's patents caused a disturbance last year and unless his parents don't repeat their actions or find a different guardian for the night he wasn't allowed to come.

The reason Dib was so upset was because now Zim had the perfect opportunity to plot 'disgustingly diabolical plots'.

He explained all of this to me within the time it took to open my door.

"Have you thought about telling him it will be inhuman not to attend? He'll feel obligated to attend, problem solved." Dib, much to my suprise since I'm sure he thinks I'm a paranormal creature of some sort, hugged me before running out of my house.

"Thanks!" He shouted before he slammed my door shut, I sighed and switched on the TV.

I wondered what Zim was going to do since I currently had his robot parent's which I was still planning on fixing.

I lost interest and instead started working on a device to help Meep become a feline overlord since Meep's methods clearly weren't going to work.



Meep went home after many MANY hours of trying and failing to persuade her feline brethren.

Meep must be doing something wrong or maybe the felines were just being stubborn.

The Melvin-hooman did say cats make a variety of different noises so maybe Meep should try them.

Big brother Zim would probably not like Meep parading around with a hooman, so Meep should probably keep this quiet.

"And where have YOU been? You are supposed to be MOTIVATING me!" He tapped his foot on the floor impatiently.

"Big brother Zim I-"

"Don't call me that! But nevermind that now, we must get ready for the parent teacher evening..." Meep stood at attention.

"Yes sir, big brother Zim sir!" He pressed a button on a control panel and the robot parents came speeding towards Meep.

Meep huddled on the floor to protect her beautiful face from the robot parents flailing appendages.

"HI SON AND NEWLY ADOPTED DAUGHTER!" Big brother Zim had a unpleasant smirk on his face.

"That tall heuman of yours upgraded them, but I don't trust his filthy HANDS on MY Brilliant technology so I stole them back without his consent." Meep wasn't sure about that since the robots didn't look so well...

They were puffing out smoke from holes Meep didn't even know existed.

"Um...big brother Zim si-sir...are the robot parents...okay?" Big brother Zim scoffed placing his hands on his hips.

"They were constructed by I, THE MIGHTY could they not be okay? Just look at all this."

He gestured to his entire being with both hands and spontaneously began to do a little dance.

After that glorious display we left for the 'parent teacher' thing along with the robot parents dragging behind.

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