Chapter 7

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Dib's Dad didn't come get him and Dib's sister who I learned was named Gaz, has left without him.

I decided to take him home, I know it was quite generous to give up my time for the human.

Dib talked about aliens the entire way back to his house, mostly talking about Meep and Zim, but he also mentioned Big foot and vampires. I wondered if he would stop anytime soon.

When we finally reached his home, I thought I could go back to mine, but I was dragged inside.

"Since you're new to the whole alien hunting we should watch Mysterious Mysteries together." I had no idea what that was, but I doudted he would take no for an answer so I nodded.

"Sounds fun." I doudted it could be anything other than mediocre like most things on earth, but I enjoyed mindless TV.

"Great!" He switched on the TV while jumping on the couch.

They were talking about vampires, but it's not like it was that interesting. There was no way I'll get hooked. It's just a TV show

I couldn't look away, all concept of time was gone and I just wanted to watch this masterpiece of a TV show.

"Oh! Our neighbors here!" I screeched at the sudden intrusion and threw the first thing I could get my hands on which was the remote. Luckily the Professor caught it.

"Where did you come from? What are you doing here!?" He looked at me like I was an idiot

"I live here." Oh, right...

"I just came back from my lab, what are you doing here?" I glared at him now that he has flipped the situation using my words against me.

"We're watching Mysterious Mysteries." Dib answered for me coming to my rescue, while sounding suprisingly salty while mentioning the show.

"Now leave us." I waved my hand dismissively at him so he could leave us to our show.

"I live here." He repeated his previous statement.

"Good point, go back to your lab which you seem to think is more important than Dib's wellbeing." Dib chocked on his own spit making me think it was time for me to leave.

"Thanks for having me, bye." I yelled before running back to my house slamming the door shut before locking it.

Welp, that could have gone better, it appears my social skills might need some improvement.



Meep sat on the wall next to the Melvin hooman who took her to the park.

"So how was space?" He asked with an enthusiastic smile.

"Cold, lonesome to an extent." Meep respond in a monotone.

"Oh...did you see any planets?" Meep hund her head in her hands.

"Hooman Meep was in space so yes Meep was bound to see planets." The Melvin hooman smiled weakly and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, right, sorry and I brought you something since you didn't feel all that well in gym class." He then proceeded to hand Meep a jar of peanut butter.

Meep slowly took the jar from him.

"Much gratitude hooman."

The Melvin-hooman continued to chatter on about his fascination with space, but then he started to dig his filthy earth hands into Meeps personal life.

"So what was growing up in space like?" Meep froze midway into the peanut butter jar.

This hooman. Why does he want to know anything about me? Why does he want to be my companion? What is so special about me that he even bothers to be seen with me?

Meep stuttered for a second

"Um... well, lets just say I wasn't all to popular or wanted by anyone...for reasons, so it was pretty lonely..." He smiled and squeezed Meep tightly.

"Aw das so sad, but don't worry, I will love you forever new bestest friend!"

Meep sighed and don't tell anyone, but Meep needed that hug.

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