Chapter 11

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Well, Meep was stuck on a overly long walk through a place filled with long white coats.

The long white coats are humans who take aliens such as Meep and do all sorts of nasty things to them... at least that's what big brother Zim says. So Meep kept her distance.

The Melvin-hooman was here too, but he was too busy gawking at the space ship prototypes to pay any attention to Meep.

She then remembered the plan, the revenge. She wondered over to some unfinished projects and let the bow do its thing.

The long white coat leading the walk then called Meep back to the group. She stared at him. Perhaps HE was the enemy.

"Um, child please return to the group, we must stay together."

"As you wish enemy scum." Meep mumbled and shuffled over to the rest of the children

"HEY MEEP DID YA SEE THAT SPACE SHIP OVER THERE!" The Melvin shouted at her while failing in his attempt to be quite.

He was pointing at a prototype of a ship. Meep wasn't impressed since Meep has seen better, but to spare his pathetic feelings, Meep pretended to care.

"Yes, it's most impressive, but if you want to see something truly impressive you should check out Miz's ship." Wait, why did Meep say that?!

The hooman's eyes lit up at Meep's words

"OH MY GOOOSH, ya think your dad will let me see it?" Meep tried to conjure up a response when a long white coat covered in liquid stepped in.

The long white coat leading the group stopped chatting and smiled.

"And here is the man himself Professor Membrane!" The children ahh'ed and ooh'ed, but Meep was suspicious.

Yes, Meep commended his ability to become so filthy, but Meep still didn't like this 'Membrane'.

The white long coat leading the group left us with the 'Membrane' whom thrusted his finger into the air, before Meep could rush after him 'the Membrane' started a speech.

"Children I apologize for the delay, there was a mishap on my way here so don't mind my appearance, it's just scolding hot coffee with a hint of whipped cream." Meep sniffed the air, he reeked of the Miz juice.


Meep's bow furiously took pictures of everything including the Membrane.

"Ooh, Miz will be pleased!" The Membrane took over the walk, but he made sure nobody touched anything, including himself.

After words he took us to a place he called a 'SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE GIFT SHOP!' where everyone proceeded to grab tiny trinkets which was sold here. Admittedly Meep did grab a keychain.

It had sparkly fluids inside too!


Meep bought me the photos, most consisted of Professor Membrane, but a few were useful so I rewarded her with peanut butter.

I started working on improved versions of the devices. I had limited information since all I had was photos and Meep was incapable of giving me any information on any of the devices.

All she said when questioned was 'Keychain' while holding said object out proudly. This was cute, but useless.

I was resorted to building and hoping.

After hours of building a... thing, I finally went to the Professor's house to show him the thing and gloat about my superior intellect.

After knocking repeatedly on the door he finally opened the door.

"I present a thing!" I shouted shoving the small square object in front of him. He was looking at the cube in suprise before looking at me and started to look to my displeasure...happy.

"Marvelous! There's nothing better than REAL SCIENCE!" I jumped back after his outburst watching him carefully to see what he'll do next

"So what does it do?" I blinked and looked at the cube. I had no idea what it did, I sinply built it in hope it will be better than the Professor's version so I pressed the button.

Almost instantly I was in a bubble while the Professor tapped it looking pleased

"A protective device, amazing! I've been working on a similar project myself." There was no anger, jealousy, sadness, he simply seemed delighted in my accomplishment. Disgusting.

"Maybe you could use it." I suggested in what I hoped was a cheerful tone, I had no use for it so I might as well give it to him.

"Oh, no that won't be necessary." Listen science whore I'm trying to be nice

"Are you sure about that?" I asked wishing to attack him for his refusal to take the cube, but stopped myself from doing so.

"Quite sure." I grumbled annoyed as I walked home. I'll need to find a different way to shame and humiliate him, but for now I might as well just sell the device.

Selling the device was both the best thing I could have done and the worst.

After selling it to the first sucker I could get to buy it, it appeared on TV not to soon after.

Apparently the guy was mugged or something and the device saved his life or whatever. The great part about this was thrm shaming Membrane labs for not having a similar device.

The Professor did not like this so he appeared at my front door with a rather large device which was taller than me.

He was pretending to be a good neighbor by showing of his device like I showed him mine claiming it was because I was a fellow scientist. The worts part was me trying to appear talker than the device. It was embarrassing.

This sparked a competition were we built devices simply to one up each other.

It was difficult to keep my weapons away from Dib and of course Meep and Melvin who on occasion came to my house to 'hang out'

The worst part out of all of his invention was that they were purposely taller than me after he realized it annoyed me.

I heard another knock on my door, Dib just left so it was no suprise to see Membrane was standing at my front door, but strangely he had no device with him

"I want to hire you as my new lab assistant!" I stared at him incapable of doing much else "And the small child told me you were an astronaut so I thought you could run the science department while I'm busy."

"You're absolutely perfect for the job! See you tomorrow." He walked away before I could even think of a response.

After a while of just staring at his door I said something incredibly smart.


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