Chapter 6

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THIS HOOMAN, HE DOESN'T SHUT UP! He has been talking non stop about space. He said his name was Melvin or something.

"So you're from space huh? Is your dad an astronaut? I WANNA BE AN ASTRONAUT TOO!" Meep sighed in hopes she will one day be able to eat her lunch in peace.

"No tiny hooman Meeps father is not an astronaut, Meep doesn't even own such a thing." The tiny hooman also had some comrades with him. They didn't say anything when we arrived at his table of lunch in the far corner of the consuming room.

Except for one red headed child, whom looked dazed. His eye's did not move or blink for that matter.

"So you don't have a dad?" The red headed child asked in a cold metallic voice.

"Correct strange earth child Meep does not." Melvin smiled and punched Meeps shoulder playfully.

"Of course you do! Didn't your dad bring you in this morning?" Wait was he speaking of the Miz? Miz is not Meeps father, but what does she say now?

Zim did prepare Meep for this situation he said Meep was his "little sister" which means she is related to Zim, which means the robot parents were Meeps parents too, but the problem is Zim said nothing about Miz...

"Who Miz? No, no hooman, Miz is Meeps older brother, but now that you mention it Meep does have a father, but he is on a business trip with Meeps mother." The Melvin hooman looked at Meep in a puzzled way.

"So...your dad's an astronaut?" Meep proceeded to scream internally and slammed her head on the table. She then lifted up her head and gave a fake smile.

"Yes hooman Meeps father is an astronaut." The Melvin hooman started to fiddle with his hands.

"Meep was it? I would really like to know more about space and your dad being an astronaut,  since I wanna be an would you like to maybe wanna go to the park after school so we can talk?"

How can the foolish hooman request such a thing? Besides Meep needs to carry out phase 3 of her plan after school...

Wait Meep has an idea, maybe this hooman serves a feline, so he can tell Meep all the requirements of serving a feline, that way Meep can use their own methods against them.

"That depends, do you serve a feline?" The hooman nodded

"Yeah! I own a cat." Excellent this hooman can be of use after all.

"The sure Meep can make the time." Well, that made the hooman excited.

"All right! Finally someone to talk space with!" After that Zim called Meep to go to the next class.


Dib told me the will be playing dodgeball in gym class and explained to me the functions of the game. I didn't like the sound of it, so I decided to sit at the bleachers after acquiring a few dodgeballs of my own.

The coach was giving me funny looks, but I ignored him instead keeping an eye on my ki- I mean Meep, Zim and Dib

I saw one of the kids hit Dib so I threw a dodgeball right at his face, for some reason he decided to remain on the floor while Dib laughed.

I attacked everyone who even tried to hit Meep or Zim while Dib sat next to me watching the children run around screaming in fear.

The coach did nothing while this happened, instead choosing to remain in his chair, after closer inspection he seemed to be asleep.

I did hit him at some point when he shouted at me so it's possible he took the lead of the other kid who didn't get up.

I scanned the gym for Meep and started to worry she was taking things a bit to far...

Meep pov

Meep was in a war and there is no escape.  Many red rubber spherical objects flew past her head.

Brother Zim was on the floor for he had pushed Meep out of the way. The red spherical object hit the Dib-mary instead.

Meep was left in the middle of a chaotic rain of red spherical objects. The Melvin-hooman approached Meep to aid Meep in this war.

"HEY IT'S ME, MELVIN, REMEMBER ? I'M ON YOUR TEAM!" Meep rolled her eyes.

"Oh, joy..." Why this hooman? Any other hooman would have serviced. I can't bare this hooman and his constant babbling, but Meep has to give credit to the hooman. He took out most of the enemy forces before getting hit himself.

Meep looked down at the fallen soldier.

"Why did you help Meep?" She asked uncaring and unamused.

"Cause we're friends, partners even!" Those words...I hate them. They flooded my mind with memories I tried to forget.

Those words hurt. They cut me deeper than any knife could. I didn't want any friends, acquaintances maybe with a push, but I don't trust people anymore. I don't want to feel the same hurt I felt so many years ago.

My head started to hurt and my heart ached. I couldn't see straight...

"No...I'm not your friend, Meep can't...not again." The people around Meep started to blur and there across from Meep, SHE,  stood. The traitor herself.


The rage that filled Meep was unbearable. She started to throw the red spheres at Tak hoping to leave her unconscious so she could rip out her squeedlyspooch.

It was strange how Tak wasn't fighting back, she was...squealing? She was also making it difficult to hit her so Meep ended up accidentally hitting other things.

"I WILL RIP OUT YOUR EYE BALLS AND SHOVE THRM DOWN YOUR THROAT WHERE YOU WILL SWALLOW THEM IN A PAIN STAKING MANNER!" Meep was about to throw another sphere when a hand touched her shoulder.

"Stop you're going to kill the filthy heuman, plus you will make a mess." It was Zim brother. He stood behind Meep.

Meeps rage didn't seem to trouble him, it seemed to only annoy him.

Tak dissapeared and Meep was left with a purple heaeded female child. She was crying, but Meep didn't care.

"Please! Please! I'm sorry I won't tattle on you ever if you stop!" She wailed. Meep shrugged.

"Apologies Meep thought you were someone else." She then looked around. Everyone was on the floor defeated.

"Wait...did Meep win?" Brother Zim shook his head.

"You pummeled your own teammates, so I'm not sure, maybe you should forfeit your presumed winnings to me, The MIGHTY ZIM!" Meep thought about it smiling after a moment

"No, this was all Meep, besides this petty little victory is nothing compared to your wide arsenal of achievements." He grinned

"Yes, I guess it is, very well then you can have this little victory for yourself, you can use the ego boost."

Meep couldn't believe it.


"That's my girl!" Miz shouted from where he stood, before freezing.

"I SAID NOTHING!" Meep just giggled

"If you say so Miz."

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