Chapter 5

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Miz pov

I blinked for the first time in what must have been a hour as I finally looked away from the TV when I heard knocking from my front door.

I slowly got up, my cereal in my hands while still wearing my newly acquired sleep wear.

I hoped it wasn't one of the neighbors. I didn't want to see more of them then what was strictly necessary.

Whether or not it was luck or misfortune it was both Meep and Zim, the two defects of our species or as I personally liked to call them, the destructive little gremlins.

"What?" I asked looking down at them, I really needed a nap right now, not that I required sleep, but I liked it.

"We require your assistance once again." I took a bite of my cereal while Zim looked at me with disgust, judgemental of my actions.

"Are you sure we need him?" He probably didn't want me to hear that, but he wasn't exactly whispering, Meep nodded at him

"Yes, since your robot guardians are malfunctioning, but Meep could always just stay at home and there won't be any need for Miz." She turned to leave only to be pulled back by Zim.

"Oh, no, no not after what happened yesterday,  I do not trust you staying home alone anymore, you will come with I the MIGHTY ZIM, to the place of learning so I can keep an eye on you." He then glared at me, he probably thought thought he looked menacing, but in reality he appeared rather cute if I was being honest, he reminded me of a smeet.

"Even IF this filthy human needs to take us there!" I raised a nonexistent eyebrow, didn't Meep tell him I wasn't human?

"Why exactly do you need me? And yeah I'm totally human." I said sarcasm evident in my tone, but I didn't think he understood the concept of sarcasm.

"We require a guardian for the motivation slave and didn't you hear me? I just called you a human."

"Also Meep and G.I.R might have had a tiny accident with the guardian robot's and now they only go backwards."

"You broke something? Sounds about right, so all I have to do is take her to school until the robot's are fixed?"

"Correct human all we need is for you to check Meep into school and then you can go about your usual filth ridden life." Best to just get this over with.

"Yeah, sure, whatever, I'll be your temporary guardian." I said at the sane time the hologram of my ear glitched.

"Is your human hearing tube supposed to do that?" The look on Zim's face was hilarious

"It'll be like that sometimes since it's fake and all." I said with a shrug not really caring the humans on this planet were to stupid to notice it anyway.

"So can I go back to watching mindless TV or do you want me to check Meep into school?"

"Now the skool starts in a few minuets." Meep pouted looking at Zim

"It's not fair! How come G.I.R can stay at home?" Zim sighed looking fed up with her behavior

"Because I trust G.I.R more than I trust you and need I remind you, you are my motivator slave so you have to follow me!" It was proving itself difficult not to laugh at their bickering

It was just so funny watching them glare at each other over something so trivial as going to school.

I was going to go to college in a few days and I wasn't having a fit about it, honestly how bad can it be?

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