Chapter 10

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I watched as the robot parents fly away with Zim and Meep. I approached the boy I saw Meep with as soon as I knew they were gone.

"Who are you?" I've seen the boy interact with Meep one to many times and it was starting to annoy, even if admittedly I've only seen them together twice. This wasn't important.

It was painfully obvious Meep wasn't human and I was worried he might potentially hurt her or worse get her killed if he told a group of scientist she was an alien.

The boy seemed nervous when he saw me, even more so when I asked him who he was, but he was clearly still trying to appear cheerful. It reminded me of a few of the Zimbites who used me to get stuff when I was the tallest.

"I'm Melvin! You're Meep's dad right?" I ignored Melvin's question, if that was even his real name.

"What were you and Meep talking about?"

"Our class was invited to go to Membrane labs, I asked if she was coming with." My thoughts came to a screeching halt.

Membrane was a scientist, but he didn't believe in the existence of the paranormal so he wasn't a danger to Meep even if 'Melvin' told him she wasn't human.

If Meep went she could get me information on his inventions so I could build better versions of them, to show my superiority even if he was taller than me.

"Of course she's going, I've been trying to get her interested in science, this might teacher her the value of science, but in the events she gets hurt I will be forced to kill you." I smiled before going to Zim's house to discuss the matter with Meep.


I pushed past Zim as soon as he opened the door going straight to Meep who was lounging on the couch with a jar oc peanut butter.

I really had to restrict her from eating to much of it, I didn't want her getting sick, but that was besides the point.

"Meep how do you feel about helping me take revenge of an idiot who annoyed me?" I asked with a smile, hoping she'll agree to help me.

Her antennas shot upwards as she dropped the jar of peanut butter she was licking clean a moment ago.

"Revenge? Meep likes the sound of that." I was pleased by her response and relieved, I couldn't do this without her, but Zim spoke before I had the chance.

"GET OUT!" I hushed him which resulted in him staring at me like I was insane.

"I simply need you to take photos and get information on the inventions at Membrane labs so I can build better versions to humiliate and shame him as a man of science." While I talked Zim kept trying to push me out of the house, which naturally was unsuccessful as I didn't even budge from where I stood.

Meep smiled looking delighted and was clearly excited about the thought of getting revenge.


"He's not my enemy, he's a worthless bug I'll crush under my boot." I said while attaching a ribbon to her collar.

"You can use this to take pictures, but if you do anything reckless and get hurt I'm going to kill the human boy, Melvin or whatever his name was." I activated the camera in the ribbon when I straightened it.

Meep smiled and stands at attention, much like soldier would, ignoring the entire "it will kill him" part.

"YES SIR MIZ SIR! MEEP WILL DO HER BEST TO CRUSH YOUR 'NOT ENEMY'!" I nodded and mimicked her pose before leaving.

Now I wait. He'll regret the day he met me.


While waiting for Meep to return with the photos, I went to college.

The place was filled with strange dead eyed people with coffee addictions. I fit in perfectly.

I started working at a coffee shop to earn money while I was at college, but they were insisting I wasn't allowed to interact with the customers since I apparently 'scared' them, but I was also the only one working today so I was forced to both make coffee and talk to people.

Luckily the coffee shop hardly had any customers today and it was rather uneventful or it was until the bastard walked in.

I forced a smile on my face as Professor Membrane approached the counter. Wasn't he supposed to be giving the tour of his lab today?

"Welcome to Cyberspace Coffee, how can I help you today?" I asked in a disgustingly sweet tone I used to talk with customers.

Instead of ordering coffee like any normal person would have, he ordered the menu in a cup something I was now forced to make.

After I finally managed to make it, keeping my temper in check while doing so since he was shouting 'advice' at me whenever I did anything, but I didn't  want to lose my job so I keot my mouth shut.

I turned to give him his drink, but when I  saw the jerks overly happy face, I decided I had enough, he didn't deserve my effort, not after treating me like I was to incompetent to make coffee.

I threw the boiling hot coffee in his face and watched him scream in pain

"I'm sorry sir, would you like anything else?" I asked with my customer service voice


I was almost fired for what I did, I probably should have been, but I think the only reason I wasn't fired was simply because my boss didn't know it was Professor Membrane.

I did not regret my actions and I would happily do it again.

It was hilarious watching him practically run out of the shop dripping coffee as he did so

I had to clean up the mess, but it was worth it.

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