Chapter 14

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Melvin was demanding food, he insisted food was a necessity even though he has been eating the snacks hidden in his bag whenever he thought I wasn't looking.

The only reason he wanted me yo acquire him food was because he was under the impression it would count as 'Space' food even if was just from the cafeteria.

Melvin mentioned the issue of wanting food to Professor Membrane so now I was forced to get him food the Professor even asked I could treat him like Meep.

He was clearly delusional if he thought I would even consider treating lower lifeforms as if they were Meep.

Melvin took a bit of everything when we got to the cafeteria apart from the dessert since I took all of it before he could.

"May I have some?" He asked watching me with large eyes as he tried to mimic Meep or at least that's what I assumed.

I slowly ate one looking at him as I did so while he simply continued to stare at me

"No." He looked disappointed, but quickly cheered up again as he started talking about the food even if I insistently told him it was earth food, he ignored me naturally.

I considered giving him real space food to prove my point, but decided he might see it as a kind gesture.

"So you and Meep are close?" The thought had been nagging at me for a while now. It felt like he was trying to steal Meep from me.

Since they met she was spending less and less time with me, slowly replacing me with the human as she started becoming more and more like him.

She was becoming more reckless simply to spend time with him, I'm sure Zim would disapprove as well, if for different reasons

"Jup!" Melvin shouted delightedly in response. I honestly didn't like his cheerful demeanor it reminded me of the select few Zimbites who were nice to me only when they wanted something before continuing to ignore my existence.

"Why?" He looked confused as if not understanding the question

"We're friends?" He sounded unsure.

I never understood this 'friend' thing. I suppose Dib and I are friends, but even so we are rather distant as our only connection was our live for the paranormal other than that we didn't really do anything together if it didn't involve something paranormal.

I guess there's Red and Purple, but it was required for us to talk

Meep on the other hand strangely liked the human and spend a lot of time with him so I need to keep him alive until she no longer requires his presence.

I still wasn't going to he nice to him, that was taking it a step to far.

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