Chapter 4

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Meep pov

"Phase 1 is complete, hitch a ride to earth from a stranger, now it's time to pursue phase 2." Meep smiled and walked to a hooman. Disgusting fleshy things it was no wonder why the felines were the dominant species.

"Hey! Feline slave in what direction does the Almighty Zim live?" Meep bellowed, the hooman failed to respond only looking at her strangely.

Typical. They can't even follow basic instructions

"MEEP HAS SPOKEN!" The hooman continued to look at Meep in an odd manner before backing away slowly.

"Fine, Meep will find the Zim herself, when will she learn? Never send a worm baby to do a Zimbites job."

Eventually after hours of knocking on the front doors of countless hoomans, Meep had finally found the Zim

"Uh, do I know you?" Those were the first words the Zim had uttered to Meep, she will forever cherish them.

"OH ALMIGHTY ZIM MEEP HAS COME TO BE A MOTIVATOR FOR THE ZIM!" Meep groveled at the boots of Zim for he is the best invader to ever live.

"Motivator..." He seemed uninterested, but Meep was probably not groveling hard enough since she saw the Zim was about to close the door.

"WAIT! MEEP WAS SEND BY YOUR TALLEST TO PRAISE AND MOTIVATE YOU!" This caused the Zim to look at Meep in a pleased manner.

"My Tallest sent YOU here?" Meep was about to lie futher, but the Zim was to busy monologuing to listen and Meep didn't wish to disturb his brilliance.

"You see GIR? This futher proves that I, THE MIGHTY ZIM, is the Tallest favorite invader! Does invader Schoodge get a motivator? No! Does Tak get a motivator? No? Only I, the mighty Zim, gets a motivator!" What a brilliant monologue, Meep wishes to have such masterful monologues once she rules the feline race.

Zim inspected Meep for a few earth seconds before he frowned

"I just don't get why they send a Zimbite and not an Irken...probably because Zimbites are inferior in every way and she won't jeopardize my mission that easily, she is also shorter then me which makes her weaker." Meep said nothing since he seemed to be talking to himself, instead she followed him inside his home

"Phase 2, secure a home base, is complete."


The Zim's house was alright. Nothing special Meep's cell in space jail was more advanced.

"INTRUDER! Come on innn!" A strange voice yelled from somewhere in the house. It sounded like a S.I.R bot, but it sounded energetic and positive.

Meeps suspicions were correct. It was a S.I.R bot dressed in a green canine disguise.

"Well? What are you waiting for? MOTIVATE ME! PRAISE ME! LET ME BASK IN MY OWN AMAZINGNESS!" The Zim shouted looking at Meep in anticipation.

Meep did what the Zim asked and praised every step he took. After awhile the Zim stopped

"Hmm... not bad, but you must prove your worth, go fetch me the Dib's trenchcoat and make it fast I don't have all day."

Meeps first mission. This will prove Meep is trust worthy, but Meep will have to set phase 3 aside for now. Meep will also require the assistance of the strange S.I.R bot.

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